Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December Part 2

There has been many exciting changes! 

First off, Baby Girl is holding her own bottle for a good chunk of the time and is now eating oatmeal. 

We baked cookies on the 21st. It was a lot of fun with all the kiddos around. The kiddos we're watching a Curious George movie during this quite and rare moment. Josh and I love the seven layered bars that were made!

Christmas week was kind of depressing, I got in my funk as usual and ate many of the baked goods! But Christmas came and Josh was off and I snapped out of it. We spent Christmas morning at home opening presents, then taking naps, baking potatoes, finally heading to Kyla's for Christmas dinner. I'll make a separate post for Christmas as the pictures were taken on the actual camera. 

Then this week, we've been working on rearranging/organizing the rooms. We started with the living room! There is so much more space now, seriously! Then for a late anniversary gift, Josh bought a new bed. It makes us feel like grown-ups! Then we got a hand-me-down kitchen table that actually fits the size of our family. 

I'm just busy trying to get done as much as I can before school starts back up in 5 days.

Last but not least, Josh's birthday was today. He had to work so we didn't do anything super special but, he got a few cards and a small gift. 

New Year's plans are to hang out with family! I'll probably make a separate post as well!

I hope your days off are just as productive! I also hope you have a happy and safe last 2 days in December/2015! 


Sunday, December 20, 2015

December Part 1

Oh man.... I have a lot to catch up on! 

Little miss celebrated her 2nd birthday with family! She got a lot of books and toys! Grandpa Craythorn took all the pics that night. This picture was the morning after when she opened grandma and grandpa Clark's present. 

I had other things to write about but oh well! 

School is over for Winter Break. I did snowflakes in my classroom for our winter celebration. I've even been decking out the holiday earrings! 

Baby Girl turned 4 months old today! She is so very active. She giggles and coos at basically everyone. She squirms like there is no tomorrow. I can already tell her sister is going to be her best friend! She does tummy time well and still spits up a ton. She cries very little and is a happy little baby! 

I have to say... It kind of hysterical that I put my girls in the same outfit at 4 months old! 

As a side note, I sure do miss the snow-covered mountains back home! 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Happy Thankgiving!

I hope yours was blessed...

I know that mine was.

We started the day off with some monkey bread for breakfast, which (oh my gosh) was so good! Then we all took naps because we were tired. We then headed over to aunt k's house. We hung out and talked, we played games like mad libs, basketball, pool, and darts, and of course we ate. I would say the usuals were included but I've recently discovered the usuals are different for everyone. We had yummy turkey, dinner rolls, mashed potatoes & gravy, stuffing, veggies, and candied yams. It was delicious. We ate at 3 so we were actually ready to eat pie around 6. All the girls were trying to eat whipped cream from the can. 

It was a fun-filled, blessed day. I'm excited that I got to enjoy it this year. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Back To Work

Well, I went back to work this week. By the end of each day, I was exhausted. Because of my exhaustion I did not stay on top of my scripture study but, each day is a new day and I can try to do better! 

I did study Monday-Wednesday though! I studied virtue and I feel like I'm doing well in that area. I'm sure I could improve, everyone always has room to improve, but compared to divine nature, I'm doing well. 

Josh has been busy applying for a new job... A job that if he gets, will allow me to be at home with the girls in a few years. 

Since I'm back to work now, no more late nights, but it's kind of easy when you're exhausted 24/7. 


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Forgetfulness???? Part 2



Not sure why I'm letting my faith seep away a wee bit....

Anyway, so I didn't start a new talk last night. :/ It wasn't because I forgot, but because I was tired and working on stuff for my calling. So I read my next talk tonight (Monday), "Worthy of Our Promised Blessings" by Linda S. Reeves. It had a lot of good information. One quote I will #ponderize this week is...

Photo Credit: Gospel Art Kit

With my doubts and concerns afloat, I needed to hear this! 

She talked about staying pure and clean, so I'll be studying Virtue this week out of the YW Personal Progress book and sharing it with you. 

Divine Attributes

Saturday evening, I wrapped up my first week of studying the scriptures, specifically Divine Nature. I can tell a difference not only in myself but in my family as well when I practice applying my divine attributes. With some changes setting in later this week, I have also noticed the differences when I don't practice applying the attributes of divine nature to my daily life. Following the guidance from the YW Personal Progress, I read 2 General Conference talks. One that I read was given by Richard G. Scott, and it was one I so needed to hear, "The Sanctity of Womanhood" given during the April 2000  General Conference. I was pondering several things, and this answered my thoughts. One quote that clearly describes why there is a difference not only in myself but in my family when I apply divine attributes is, " ...He (Satan)  well knows women are the compassionate, self-sacrificing, loving power that binds together the human family..." We women are the glue. The Men preside, protect, and provide for and over the family, but our nurture seals it all together. It is sometimes a very overwhelming feeling. I read in Alma 7:23 that a women of divine nature will, "...asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal..."So I did. I prayed for my husband and there have been changes already, whether it's just in my own heart, his heart, or both hearts. The little difference is already making a big impact! It makes me happy. How have challenges changed your life? Is it immediate or in progress? Do you keep your faith? Just some thoughts to ponder! 

Thursday, October 8, 2015


How often have you been so wrapped up doing something or your schedule changed and you forgot to do something? 

I do that a lot! In fact, I was so tired last night I forgot to brush my teeth. Did you think I was going to say I forgot to read my scriptures? Don't worry, I didn't. Though it is usually the thing I forget when I run out of time. This time around though, I'm studying the scriptures with purpose and I already feel a difference in my soul/spirit. I don't want to lose that feeling, so even though I was exhausted and it was much later than usual I read the 3rd scripture under Divine Nature and took notes in my journal. I read it tonight I'm sure and see if it makes any sense. :D

That is something new for me, reading the scriptures with purpose. I use to read just to read but I never made it very far without purpose. So If you're struggling with reading the scriptures, I challenge you to find your purpose, your inspiration... Is it to read the Book of Mormon in 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, just 10 minutes a day (TAD), or all the way through? Is it to build a stronger testimony? Do you want to set a good example for your kids? Do you feel you need to study a specific subject like me? Pray and listen to find your purpose! 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Scripture Journey

I know some will think or ask as to why I am publicly sharing my journey...because I feel inspired to. Hopefully it'll help someone in need! 

I was inspired, like so many others by Devin G. Durrant's talk, "My Heart Pondereth Them Continually" to ponder on one scripture a week and to share it with others. I plan to do this with Scripture Mastery because as a convert, I did not get the opportunity as a youth to master important scriptures. 

This week though, I sort of put my own twist on pondering scripture. I read a talk given by Rosemary M. Wixom at the General Women's Broadcast as it was already downloaded on my phone. Her talk, "Discovering the Divinity Within," is just what I needed this week. 

I love the sweet Spirit that I feel at General Conference every 6 months and wanted to keep it longer but was unsure how. Low and behold, I read her talk and decided to study divine nature. Why? When I read it, I didn't understand it... It seemed foggy to me. With being a counselor in the YW presidency for my short time before I was married, I knew I could use the Personal Progress book and learn the knowledge I needed to gain. 

Under Divine Nature, the first step is to read scripture, ponder, and ultimately plan how to use what you've learned. So last night I read, "The Family: A Proclamation to the World". Oh how I needed that! Being reminded that I needed to constantly and consistently practice faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities in order to raise my girls in love and righteousness, provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them 2 things: 1- how to love and serve others and 2- how to observe God's commandments and be law-abiding citizens. That's a huge deal and I want to do my best so I am grateful for the strong reminder. I also wasn't so foggy to the idea of divine nature, partly because I reread her talk and understood the following more clearly. 

The second scripture to read and ponder is 2 Peter 1. Attributes to practice are faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity. I noticed 2 things: 1- each attribute builds upon each other, much like line upon line and precept upon precept and 2- both list of attributes state you must begin with faith. Divinity will not come without faith. Thanks to Neill F. Marriott's talk, "Yeilding Our Hearts to God," I got a strong reminder that, "All will work out," which has strengthened my faith as it reminded me of something that I desperately needed, all is well and if not now, then will be well in time. I use to live by that as a youth, but have forgotten recently. 

Needless to say, I'm on a scripture journey, I'm challenging myself to focus on this topic this week and boy, has my knowledge grown. I already have plans on what I'll be reading and pondering tomorrow based on this talk and learning about my divine nature.

Remember, practice your faith and putting your trust in God. Build upon each attribute no matter where you are. Finally, challenge yourself with pondering the scriptures, however the Spirit guides you and don't forget to share your findings even if it's in a journal. 

With much love, 
Tamra :)

October 2015 General Conference

***If it's italicized, then I added it in after I originally published

I loved this session of conference... I love them all, but this weekend seemed to hit home! There was much said that I needed to hear and I always love the sweet Spirit that I feel during the weekend and within my home. The three things that stuck with me the most is: 1- "All is well", 2- Set aside money each week along with pondering one scripture each week, and 3- Practice self-control... as it will become stronger each time.

I need to remember that all is well. Growing up, no matter what happened, I had that attitude and that along with some other attributes, I was always asked by others if I was LDS. Lately, I've forgotten that all is well, and if it doesn't seem like it now, all will be well later. I must remember that always! 

The next is to set aside money each week... Not sure how we're going to do with that as we just had a new addition to the family and I've been home for 8 weeks, but I can try and that's what counts. 

Then, we should ponder scripture each week. I thought about pondering scripture mastery, but I read a talk Sunday night and I feel as if I should focus/ponder the subject. Sunday I read the talk and Monday I read "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" in regards to the talk and my interest. There are a few more scriptures to read for the subject but I already feel wiser. 

Finally, practice self-control means not giving in to temptations like spending money on stuff I don't need or eating food I don't really need. I'm sure I can add more, but I'm also sure that you get the idea. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Autumn!!! + More Updates

Welcome to fall!!!

I saw the graphic above on Facebook and died laughing but, I am still very excited! Fall is seriously my favorite time of year because of football, the changing of the leaves, the cooler weather, and then the family-filled, get some time off, holidays! 

Everyone is growing quickly!

Baby Girl has had some more problems eating, but she's hydrated and gaining weight so the doc is not too worried. She is already in 3 month clothing. She is weighing in at 11.7 and 22.5 inches long.

Little Miss is your typical 22 month old. I am constantly reminding myself that she is still 1. It's hard for me to remember most of the time because she is the oldest and the size of a 3-year-old. Not much has changed though she has more teeth coming in. My awesome sis bought her the cute dress and matching bow in the pic below. 

Josh has been busy working as usual but, he has been preparing for his Oral Board which was earlier in the week. Now, it's the waiting game to see where he ranks among the other applicants. Results will post next week. 

As for myself, I've been trying to stay calm and relaxed about everything. I'm nervous about returning to work, on top of taking care of a rambunctious toddler and colicky newborn... So needless to say that going out to see my mom and then a few days later going to Utah on a day trip was relaxing and got my mind off of nerve-wracking things. My trip to Utah had a great sign! I also got to use my new carrier and I LOVE it!!!!

My 6 week check up went well. My c-section incision healed up well. So I get to return to work on time. 

I feel like I had more to add, but I don't remember and that's okay because it's nearly 2am and I haven't slept yet... And tomorrow comes early because General Conference is at 9am. Plus, I have an early-rising toddler so every morning comes early. :D

I'll update more later! 

Friday, September 18, 2015

New Family Update

Whew! It's been a crazy month. I had my precious baby girl 4 weeks ago. I keep thinking I need to update this, but with 2 little ones I've been learning to balance my time a little more wisely. Let me tell you what, I'm actually a little scared to return to work in a month because I know it'll be a balancing act, something I'm not very good at. 

Anyway, enough about me for a moment and let me introduce Baby Girl! 
This is her at 6 days old. It's fun to compare how much both my girls look alike at a week old. 
That face is just too adorable! I'm calling her my miracle baby... I didn't take care of myself like I should have during the pregnancy (but nothing stupid either!), and then to have her in a dangerous delivery situation had I not had her by c-section which I was strongly considering because I desperately wanted a V-Bac would have ended sadly. She is my little miracle baby, and much like my mom, she is a peaceful fighter. She's had some issues with eating and she has been fighting to eat, to swallow, and spit up. She has such a calming, sweet spirit. I can't believe how time has flown with this little one. She is like most babies: she sleeps A LOT, she loves her milk, and she has very messy diapers. She does spit up quite a bit though and she has that same mischievous grin that #1 had when she's filling a diaper. She is already almost sleeping through the night, 5-6 hours at a time. She loves to look at me, Josh, and Little Miss in our eyes when she is awake. It's beautiful to share those moments. 

Big Sister loves to help. 
She constantly wants to hold the baby, help the baby burp, change her diapers, wipe her face when it gets messy, and so much more. She has grown up so much but has a little streak of jealousy too. She also moved into a toddler bed. Now it's getting her to stay in bed... I think it'll be easier once Baby Girl is moved out of our room and into hers. We shall see! 

Josh is still doing security, but has applied for a job. He passed the first stage of testing. Now he is awaiting and preparing for the oral board in 2 weeks. I'm excited for the possible new adventure. 

As for me, I've been a stay at home mom for several months now and have enjoyed it very much! My two girls are truly a blessing. Life will be hard to balance once I go back to work and that scares me because everyone deserves the best of me, especially my girls. 

I love my family and will miss them when I return. But we have a plan and I trust that it'll work out. :)

Monday, August 3, 2015

Summer Vacation Week 8 & 9

Ah! Summer vacation is coming to a close. All 11-month employees are returned to school last Monday to get ready for the new school year. Here in 3 days, I'll be returning to work too! I seriously can not believe it! It's time to actually start thinking about my classroom again, even though my house isn't even ready for baby #2 and coming in 10 days. School starting isn't that far behind with only 14 days remaining. Let's pray I can do it all or get the help I need! :)

 Anyway, this past 2 weeks has me really fatigued so I did very little. I've cleaned a little and rested a lot! Josh has been busy with work and other projects. Little Miss has just been very active, but somewhat accommodating to this mommy needing her rest. Baby Girl is getting me ready for her arrival... I had about 3 hours of contractions Monday night and again yesterday. 

If you're reading this, I'd appreciate a little prayer for me and my family as there is still a lot to do! :) 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Summer Vacation Week 6&7

Summer Vacation is winding down though I really feel like mine is beginning with another possible 10 more weeks off still.

The last 2 weeks have been laid back. Baby Girl is getting big so it's getting hard to move as much as I want/need and my energy seems like it's been depleted but it doesn't help I'm not sleeping well at night... Though I think I may have figured out how to fix it in the last few nights (staying up later, less waking up in the middle of the night, waking up more refreshed). We'll see if it continues to work.

Josh has been busy with getting ready for Baby Girl and work. He has a gym membership so he can work out for those jobs he wants to apply for. He has been busy doing the honey-do list. He has been taking care of Little Miss when I have just been to tired to do it. He is amazing! 

Little Miss is more active than ever! Though she's a bit more cuddly now that everyone keeps asking her/talking about Baby Girl coming. It's really quite nice because she normally never cuddles with me unless she's sick. She is excited and fascinated with all things baby though, whether it be taking care of her baby dolls or seeing an actual baby at the store, she just wants to be near them. How she treats her baby doll, for the most part, tells me she's going to be a GREAT big sister! She's also finally showing interest in books... She's never been a big fan of being read too, ever (Except at Grandma Sheri's)! She is finally interested in books and actually letting Josh and I read and finish the book. 

Baby Girl is getting big and hasn't dropped. It's a good thing I've got a c-section scheduled since Baby Girl is doing the exact same thing Little Miss was, breach and refusing to drop. Her heartbeat is being picked up clear up by my ribs still. She is active and moving, all the time! I have a theory she's going to be a night baby. Whenever I have woken up in the middle of the night, she is the most active I have ever felt her, which will be fun once she comes! :D

As for me, despite being 35 weeks at this point, I'm trying to get some things done like the ward's Primary Program, last minute things around this house, and lesson plans which is scary that I've actually got to return to set up my room just for someone else to start the school year off. In that sense, I am very nervous even though I know I have a great sub. As far as everything else, it's only within my control that things get done or not so I'm not nervous because I can always shift and come back later. School planning, I've avoided (minus Pinterest and some TpT) most of the summer because I've been busy around the house but now it's time to start thinking and planning. I'll let you know how that goes! 

Anyway, have a good week! 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Summer Vacation Week 5

Monday was simple, I went through organizing the rest of our clothes. We have way too many! But we are getting rid of a lot which is good. We drove up to Mesquite later that afternoon so we could attend my grandma's funeral on Tuesday. Little Miss had such a blast with Grandma, Grandpa, and Lacy Rae! 

Tuesday was a long day! This pregnant mommy was wore out by noon. We went to my grandma's funeral. I missed most of it because Little Miss was being herself and wanted to run around and play. We had to walk to the other end of the cemetery just to make sure she wasn't very loud so everyone else could hear. She got to meet some of her cousins. It was really nice! We drove back early afternoon so Little Miss would take a nap. By 6, everyone was exhausted. We basically watched Youtube the rest of the night. Little Miss didn't sleep so well because she couldn't breathe through her nose. I had to give her some allergy medicine just so she could sleep. 

Wednesday, I began to tackle the living room. A friend of mine who is done having kids had a ton of clothes so she gave them to us. They were sitting in our living room so I decided to go through them and put them in storage ziplock bags. It literally took me all day to sort, organize by size, put them in bags, and seal them up. I still need to sort through the shoes. Little Miss wanted some mommy time though, with her not feeling good I had to stop a lot today. 

Thursday and Friday were my relaxing days which was good because Little Miss still wasn't feeling good and they are daddy's days off. We basically hung out doing very little except going out. 

Saturday, I got enough rest to do some basic cleaning. Daddy grilled for lunch. It's was another simple day.  

Sunday seemed hectic, but it was good. We went to church and just hung out at home all day. This mommy even snuck in a nap. Oh, and Little Miss figured out how to completely open a locked door before church so we officially had to toddler-proof our doors! 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Summer Vacation Week 4

I can't believe it's been 4 weeks! 

Little Miss and Josh went out on a daddy/daughter date on Monday. They went to the bike store and Little Miss got really excited about seeing the seats you attach to the back of your bike. As soon as daddy went to work, mommy and Little Miss went 4th of July shopping. Little Miss got a cute new outfit with one of her favorite characters! Mommy also got her a complete set of sand toys! She was excited to be outside and play with them... even if it was in the rocks!

Tuesday, this mommy rested a little in the morning. We went shopping then came home, ate lunch, and napped. By the afternoon, this mommy had the energy to clean again so away I went. I decided to actually start on our bedroom. About halfway through the evening, Little Miss had enough and wanted some play/personal time with mommy so we headed to grandma's to take a break and get some stuff done. We got home almost 2 hours later and it was right back to work. This mommy finished cleaning by sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping! No more dirty floor! I then folded some laundry, looked up some ideas for bed frames, and went to sleep. Today was partly disappointing and I almost didn't get my stuff done, but let me tell you, prayer helps! I'm so thankful for my communication with my Heavenly Father because it can call me to rest but, it can call me to get up and work and tell me when I'm beginning to overdo it. I need it because I can't seem to tell what my own  body needs anymore. Lol So I'm eternally grateful because he's protecting my Baby Girl and helping me at the same time. 

Wednesday we cleaned/organized some more until it was time to get ready for Little Miss' doctor appointment. We went and everything is spectacular! She's 30 lbs. and 3 feet tall! She is growing like a weed. She also got a shot and didn't even cry! We came home and I had to deal with insurance/billing stuff most of the afternoon. 

Thursday was a day of relaxing and hanging out with family. We went to Chuckie Cheeses. We had and awesome time! We came home and worked on more stuff. 

Friday we went to my doctor's appointment. Everything is looking and sounding good! Josh started a project, restaining all of our furniture to match. I can't wait until it is completely finished. 

Saturday, we went to The 4th of July Stake Breakfast, shopping, and swimming. We had BBQ hot dogs for lunch. Afterwards, I called my mom and found out that my grandma passed away. We then hung out at grandma's house and watched movies and baked cookies . We came home and cleaned/organized some more. 

Sunday, we went to church and then went to Grandma's again and worked on some church stuff. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer Vacation Week 3

Ahh! Time is flying by!

Monday we had breakfast with the family since everyone is in town. We stayed home the rest of the day. This mommy finished cleaning the kitchen minus 2 things which will be worked on later! Room 1 off my list... Now, I'll be working on room 2, the master bedroom. Our room was attacked by ants late Saturday evening and even though it goes against my order of things, I've learned to be flexible! 

Tuesday was a day of working on our bedroom and then we went swimming. It was fun playing with the cousins. Little Miss took an almost 3 hour nap afterwards.

Wednesday, Little Miss woke up way too early. Like 4:30 in the morning, too early. We went to storytime, grandma's, Target, and then came home and cleaned some more. The bathroom and Little Miss' bedroom is done, (so much for being flexible but I'm trying to get all the laundry done first... And there is a lot of it!) but now I need to organize both just a wee bit! 

Thursday and Friday was a day of rest with a little bit of cleaning/organizing. Friday night, Josh and I actually had a date night. We saw Inside Out. It was such a cute movie! 

On Saturday, I helped my Mother-in-law paint wooden firecrackers for her ward's 4th of July breakfast. They turned out so cute! Hopefully I can show you pictures next week. Sunday, we went to grandma's and Little Miss decided to play in the baby doll's rocking crib. It was too cute! 

So, the house is a work in progress. It's very slow, but it's getting done. 

Summer Vacation Week 2

Holy Smolies... I think I'm getting the prego brain! I can't remember a lot!!! Eeek!

Okay so Monday we went to a friend's house and went swimming. 

Tuesday was a relaxing day at home most of the day since I got burnt to a crisp the day before because I didn't put sunblock on. We did go to the library and ended up going to storytime. 

I think I cleaned most of Wednesday. 

Thursday was our Mesquite. We mostly relaxed, at least I did because I overdid it on Wednesday. 

Friday was spent partly in Mesquite, but we came home early because we signed up to feed the missionaries that night. We grilled bratwursts and hot dogs, made Frito salad, cut up some watermelon, and made brownies for desert. It was delicious! I swear it's easier to feed a crowd of 6, than for 2!

Saturday was spent cleaning and prepping church activities for Father's Day.

Sunday was a kick back day. We went to church, began planning the primary program, and watched a movie. I just needed to rest after my long night the night before and everything that occured during the day that put my body into stress mode. 


Maybe my memory isn't as bad as I thought. 

Summer Vacation Week 1

Last year, if you remember, I was all about doing something every day. When it didn't go the way I planned, I fell into a sad state of mind. Going into this summer, I didn't want to do that. I didn't want to feel sad and I can not afford it being a mommy to an active toddler and being in my third trimester of pregnancy. The only expectation I had for myself is that I would not enter into my sad state of mind.

So we kept things simple. We went to the Splash Pad on Saturday and did some shopping for daddy. 

Monday we went to the doctor and my blood sugar results came back good. Baby Girl is progressing well. 

I don't remember what we did Tuesday... I'm pretty sure we took it easy.

Wednesday we went to one of the local pools with the cousins! Little Miss had a blast! Sadly, both of us had burnt shoulders. 

Thursday and Friday, Little Miss spent most of her time with daddy as mommy had trainings to go too. Friday night, we spent some time with Kim and Sarah. We caught up on life because it's nearly been a year and Little Miss kept Sarah on her toes running up and down their stairs! 

Saturday, this momma got herself her Bountiful Basket. 

There is a lot of yummy food inside, if I could just eat it all! We spent the day running errands, like buying Little Miss new shoes since she's outgrown her size 6 shoes. Size 7 is a little big still, but I'd rather have a little big than too tight. 

Sunday of course was spent at church and then at home.

Minus the few things scheduled, we did not have anything planned and this mommy did not get sad! 

Now on to my summer to-do list:
Clean/organize this house- room by room.
Make a quiet book for Little Miss as she likes to remain active and we need something calming and reverent for church. 
Line up a sub and get lesson plans done.
I think that's it, at least until Baby Girl gets here, in less than 11 weeks! 

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great summer!  

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Please try to ignore the bathroom pic. The hubby didn't want to take a picture, but I really wanted one... Particularly showing off my belly. It didn't turn out so good, but oh well. 

Today was a milestone... I am 6 months pregnant and Baby Girl is 18 months old! I honestly need to just start calling her little miss because she is not a baby anymore because she is just so grown up. She loves to help cook and clean. She loves to sit on the toilet and she will tell us when she needs to go. She loves to play with her friends, but she'll gladly play by herself. She is so very active and typically a very happy girl. That and we are expecting Baby Girl #2 and for blogging purposes, I don't want to call them Baby Girl #1 and Baby Girl #2. It just reminds me of Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Suess. Time will tell, but we have her name already chosen... we love it and hope that she'll grow up to love it too! 

Me on the other hand, I am so tired from this week. I've been getting about 5  hours of sleep per night and not by choice. I'm not sure if it's pregnancy insomnia, school anxiety, or a mixture of both. I also feel huge and have been told I look huge. Josh says I have the pregnancy waddle and it has been noticeable this week but I think it's because I'm so darn tired and exhausted. We did our last ultrasound for the pregnancy tonight. Baby Girl is weighing at 2 lbs and 13 ounces. We were finally able to see everything needed  so we do not need to return. She is stubborn, even more so than Little Miss which seems impossible but am discovering it's not. She is healthy which is a great thing! 

Now if only this momma can get some sleep so I'm going to put the phone down and try! 

School Year Ending

As this school year comes to a close, I am beginning to think about next school year.... I have been up for the past 3 hours pinning many things! ( I wrote this at 3 in the morning btw...) 

I am sad that I will not be returning right away in August and being with my kiddos at the start of the year. Now that I have a full year under my belt at my new school, I feel beyond ready to prepare for the upcoming school year. I know what to expect and I am ready to take on a new year. 

But... I will be a mommy of two by the end of August. I am excited for our baby to come, I just didn't realize how much I'd miss the beginning of the school year. It is so important to set up everything from the beginning and I won't be there to kick it off right. It's kind of depressing me! 

I'm sure I may be singing a different tune come August, but I'm slowly realizing I may do better at a year-round school. Call me crazy, but I actually get in a depressive funk for 1-2 weeks after school ends and 1-2 weeks leading up to school. I also have so many amazing ideas I want to try but I feel like I never have the time to do it all. I honestly feel like getting 2 weeks off every 8 weeks would be more beneficial for me. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015


I figured I better update my blog a little bit more so I can remember stuff.

This month has flown by. Josh and I have been busy with work. For me it feels insane because it is the end of the school year.

Baby Girl has been super sweet. She takes very good care of her babies: burping them, carrying them, kissing them, pushing them in her stroller, etc. She had a new tooth come through this week.

We went to St. George over Memorial Day Weekend. We went to the Children's Museum, which is totally awesome. There were shopping carts her size which she absolutely loved. We rode the carousel, which Baby Girl ended up not wanting to ride. We stopped at my parents house and just relaxed.

Anyway, my hubby is kicking me off because I need to get to work on my stuff for school. Until next time! :)

Family Home Evening: Week 2

Whoops... we missed a week.

We had a lot going on that week... :(


We did it the following week, even though we were busy.

It was very short and sweet.

We went to the temple grounds and talked to our daughter about how special it was. I don't know if she really understood it, but we still decided to talk to her about the temple.

She really loved looking at the the water fountain and Angel Moroni on top of the temple.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


Honestly, I don't remember most of March and April. 

Josh's schedule changed at work mid-March and has been a huge blessing for our family. 

I've just been busy at school as usual. 

Baby Girl has been growing as usual. 

That being said, here are some photos....

We've celebrated Easter, Spring Break, going to the Clark County Fair and Rodeo, and a little bit of rain. We've had some fun. 

We also found out if we're having a boy or a girl... You'll just have to wait and see! 

Do It All

Have you ever heard of the phrase: know it all? Well I'm adapting that phrase to do it all. 

Before I had Baby Girl, I was able to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. I'd have most of my chores done by  noon if not sooner. 

Now it takes me most of the day. I love my Baby Girl and I wouldn't change this life for anything in this world. She is a goofball and my everything. 

Despite being busy with my munchin, I did get quite a bit done today and it's only 5:30.

I went grocery shopping, washed dishes and laundry, cut up fruit, made lunches, got myself ready, went to a friend's sealing, went to the library, made dinner, and washed more dishes. 

It was a beautiful day at the temple and a great day for a sealing! 

I've got awesome blessings all around me and I can't let feelings of inadequacy get me down because I'm doing the best I can and I have to remember that I am enough! :) If you haven't figured it out that'll be my mantra for a while. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Family Home Evening: Week 1

That's embarrassing... Family Home Evening: Week 1... and we've been married almost two and a half years and our daughter is almost a year and a half old. 

We've done Family Home Evenings before, just not consistently. 

Well, being a member of the primary presidency is changing that. Week after week, house visit after house visit, we are always mentioning gospel basics like Family Home Evening and here I am, a leader, not doing it. 

After prayer and modern scripture study, I was going to do Family Home Evening and our lesson was about why Family Home Evening was important. I used several articles from the April 2015 Ensign and we made a plan. As silly as the lesson may sound, it was exactly what our family needed. 
If you can see from my plan, it was short and sweet. It wasn't perfect, but it worked for us. We have some ideas for activities that we can do as a family in the future that I'm sure we'll adapt/change as Baby Girl gets older. 

If you're like us, try just meeting to discuss the importance of Family Home Evening, set a date every week, create a list of possible activities, and if your family is big enough, set a rotating schedule of who teaches the lesson. 

I will try to get back with you weekly and let you know how Family Home Evening goes. :)

Happy Friday! 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I am

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing was going right and you just felt like nothing you did would be enough?

Yeah... Well, I think I have felt like that for a month or longer depending on the area of my life. 

Yesterday morning, I had a revelation. I am enough.

I have been so overwhelmed with all my callings in life that I feel as though I was stretched too thin and unable to be good at any of them.

I am a teacher, a mom, a wife, a daughter, a primary presidency member, a friend... And if I took the time, my list could go on. 

Teaching is so important to me. These kids spend 6+ hours with me to get an education, but I think that as part of the village, my job is to help them become amazing people and they are just that. They are amazing people. I am so proud of my kiddos that I see 180 days of the year! 

As a mom, I am told it is the most important calling in life. To be able to raise your child to be the best person that he/she can be. To do that, you need to be there and be involved. I feel as I fail this all the time, but I am so glad that our family has the love and support from our personal families and our ward family.

Being a wife is also important because we need to be a family unit. I know that when the kids are grown and gone, it'll be me and him again. We have to learn to love each other, know each other, grow together, and all the other things in our marriage and relationship that make being together so worthwhile. I love my amazing husband for all he is all that he does, even the irritating parts. And I am sure the feeling is mutual.

I am a daughter. I live about 1.5 hours away from home. I should be out there more. Life is just so busy and with a kid, you can never schedule in sickness so life has become go with the flow so I am thankful for technology to at least talk to my mom! 

Being a part of the Primary Presidency is huge. I feel so overwhelmed all the time. I was called in December as first counselor and I have been rolling on the ball ever since. I do my best most of the time... At least I hope. I feel like I am now past the initial learning stages and I need to dive into it all so much more. It's important too because it's our job to teach and to help the teachers and leaders that we guide so the children are learning about the gospel. 

I feel like I am a crummy friend... I literally have to schedule in time with my friends because if I do not my life listed above takes it first. I'm lucky if I get to hang out with a  friend once a month... And I have so many good friendships over the years that I have made and want to make sure I keep open because God has blessed me with some amazing friends in this life. 

After reading this you may understand why I felt so frazzled and stretched thin. Every job I have in life is important. Every job I have has an influencing role whether it's helping/being with my family, educating the young minds in multiple settings, or just being a decent person and friend. 

I am trying. I'm not perfect, but I am enough. As long as I do not stop trying to better myself, then I am sure I will always be enough. :)

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Family Story

So as a member of the LDS church, we are encouraged to keep a family record, and not just genealogy, but to share actual stories.

Earlier this week, I was thinking about my dad, and I thought about the routines he had. I notice as I get older, I share much of these routines and choices. 

My dad was a hard working man! He was up at 4:30 every morning whether he worked or not and went to bed around 9:30 every night. Sleeping in for him, which was rare, was only until 5. 

As a teenager, I thought my dad was crazy and a few times I let him know it. Each time, he'd share with me some life-long important skills. 1st- once your body is used to something, it's hard to break the habit. 2nd- there is purpose in your life by waking up and beginning to accomplish the things that need to be done. You can then rest easy with your family or friends around dinner and after. 

My dad was up every morning at 4:30 and followed his routine, the same every day. He got ready for the day, had coffee and breakfast, watched the news, and eventually would leave unless it was his day off then he would get busy working around the house.

For the last 3 years, I had a job that required me to be at work by 7 and with each passing year I had to get up earlier because of changes I had made in my life. So, for the last year and a half I am use to waking up around 4:30 in the morning. Weeks like this week, I have gotten up around 3 every day. It makes me realize how crazy I seem to younger people, but it is true what my dad always told me. Your body is use to routines and we get to accomplish many things. It makes me appreciate my dad and his early morning and early to bed habits!


So much, yet so little has happened. 

We were all sick for weeks, literally. I got sick between Christmas and New Year's and I really didn't get better until just after President's Day Weekend. The worst of it was over Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, I actually missed a day school even with the longer weekend. Baby girl was sick not quite as long and as for Josh, his sickness left and came back. So this cold season has just been terrible. It's made it so we can't visit some family which really sucks! 

Anyway, we've all been busy! Baby girl has been saying 2 incomplete sentences when she feels she needs too. "I want..." and I totally forgot the other. Lol. Whoops. 

We planted a garden, go to the park and play when we can, and have been trying to eat healthier. It's not working that well because when pregnant, I can handle only what I can handle. Which is sweet stuff and carbs... Seriously annoying! 

Anyway, Josh and I have been busy with church callings, work, and just balancing life. We both have been working a lot. Josh just found out he will be moving to a different shift which will be really good for everyone!