Thursday, May 28, 2015


I figured I better update my blog a little bit more so I can remember stuff.

This month has flown by. Josh and I have been busy with work. For me it feels insane because it is the end of the school year.

Baby Girl has been super sweet. She takes very good care of her babies: burping them, carrying them, kissing them, pushing them in her stroller, etc. She had a new tooth come through this week.

We went to St. George over Memorial Day Weekend. We went to the Children's Museum, which is totally awesome. There were shopping carts her size which she absolutely loved. We rode the carousel, which Baby Girl ended up not wanting to ride. We stopped at my parents house and just relaxed.

Anyway, my hubby is kicking me off because I need to get to work on my stuff for school. Until next time! :)

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