Thursday, June 4, 2015

School Year Ending

As this school year comes to a close, I am beginning to think about next school year.... I have been up for the past 3 hours pinning many things! ( I wrote this at 3 in the morning btw...) 

I am sad that I will not be returning right away in August and being with my kiddos at the start of the year. Now that I have a full year under my belt at my new school, I feel beyond ready to prepare for the upcoming school year. I know what to expect and I am ready to take on a new year. 

But... I will be a mommy of two by the end of August. I am excited for our baby to come, I just didn't realize how much I'd miss the beginning of the school year. It is so important to set up everything from the beginning and I won't be there to kick it off right. It's kind of depressing me! 

I'm sure I may be singing a different tune come August, but I'm slowly realizing I may do better at a year-round school. Call me crazy, but I actually get in a depressive funk for 1-2 weeks after school ends and 1-2 weeks leading up to school. I also have so many amazing ideas I want to try but I feel like I never have the time to do it all. I honestly feel like getting 2 weeks off every 8 weeks would be more beneficial for me. 

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