Thursday, June 4, 2015


Please try to ignore the bathroom pic. The hubby didn't want to take a picture, but I really wanted one... Particularly showing off my belly. It didn't turn out so good, but oh well. 

Today was a milestone... I am 6 months pregnant and Baby Girl is 18 months old! I honestly need to just start calling her little miss because she is not a baby anymore because she is just so grown up. She loves to help cook and clean. She loves to sit on the toilet and she will tell us when she needs to go. She loves to play with her friends, but she'll gladly play by herself. She is so very active and typically a very happy girl. That and we are expecting Baby Girl #2 and for blogging purposes, I don't want to call them Baby Girl #1 and Baby Girl #2. It just reminds me of Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Suess. Time will tell, but we have her name already chosen... we love it and hope that she'll grow up to love it too! 

Me on the other hand, I am so tired from this week. I've been getting about 5  hours of sleep per night and not by choice. I'm not sure if it's pregnancy insomnia, school anxiety, or a mixture of both. I also feel huge and have been told I look huge. Josh says I have the pregnancy waddle and it has been noticeable this week but I think it's because I'm so darn tired and exhausted. We did our last ultrasound for the pregnancy tonight. Baby Girl is weighing at 2 lbs and 13 ounces. We were finally able to see everything needed  so we do not need to return. She is stubborn, even more so than Little Miss which seems impossible but am discovering it's not. She is healthy which is a great thing! 

Now if only this momma can get some sleep so I'm going to put the phone down and try! 

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