Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer Vacation Week 1

Last year, if you remember, I was all about doing something every day. When it didn't go the way I planned, I fell into a sad state of mind. Going into this summer, I didn't want to do that. I didn't want to feel sad and I can not afford it being a mommy to an active toddler and being in my third trimester of pregnancy. The only expectation I had for myself is that I would not enter into my sad state of mind.

So we kept things simple. We went to the Splash Pad on Saturday and did some shopping for daddy. 

Monday we went to the doctor and my blood sugar results came back good. Baby Girl is progressing well. 

I don't remember what we did Tuesday... I'm pretty sure we took it easy.

Wednesday we went to one of the local pools with the cousins! Little Miss had a blast! Sadly, both of us had burnt shoulders. 

Thursday and Friday, Little Miss spent most of her time with daddy as mommy had trainings to go too. Friday night, we spent some time with Kim and Sarah. We caught up on life because it's nearly been a year and Little Miss kept Sarah on her toes running up and down their stairs! 

Saturday, this momma got herself her Bountiful Basket. 

There is a lot of yummy food inside, if I could just eat it all! We spent the day running errands, like buying Little Miss new shoes since she's outgrown her size 6 shoes. Size 7 is a little big still, but I'd rather have a little big than too tight. 

Sunday of course was spent at church and then at home.

Minus the few things scheduled, we did not have anything planned and this mommy did not get sad! 

Now on to my summer to-do list:
Clean/organize this house- room by room.
Make a quiet book for Little Miss as she likes to remain active and we need something calming and reverent for church. 
Line up a sub and get lesson plans done.
I think that's it, at least until Baby Girl gets here, in less than 11 weeks! 

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great summer!  

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