Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer Vacation Week 2

Holy Smolies... I think I'm getting the prego brain! I can't remember a lot!!! Eeek!

Okay so Monday we went to a friend's house and went swimming. 

Tuesday was a relaxing day at home most of the day since I got burnt to a crisp the day before because I didn't put sunblock on. We did go to the library and ended up going to storytime. 

I think I cleaned most of Wednesday. 

Thursday was our Mesquite. We mostly relaxed, at least I did because I overdid it on Wednesday. 

Friday was spent partly in Mesquite, but we came home early because we signed up to feed the missionaries that night. We grilled bratwursts and hot dogs, made Frito salad, cut up some watermelon, and made brownies for desert. It was delicious! I swear it's easier to feed a crowd of 6, than for 2!

Saturday was spent cleaning and prepping church activities for Father's Day.

Sunday was a kick back day. We went to church, began planning the primary program, and watched a movie. I just needed to rest after my long night the night before and everything that occured during the day that put my body into stress mode. 


Maybe my memory isn't as bad as I thought. 

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