Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer Vacation Week 3

Ahh! Time is flying by!

Monday we had breakfast with the family since everyone is in town. We stayed home the rest of the day. This mommy finished cleaning the kitchen minus 2 things which will be worked on later! Room 1 off my list... Now, I'll be working on room 2, the master bedroom. Our room was attacked by ants late Saturday evening and even though it goes against my order of things, I've learned to be flexible! 

Tuesday was a day of working on our bedroom and then we went swimming. It was fun playing with the cousins. Little Miss took an almost 3 hour nap afterwards.

Wednesday, Little Miss woke up way too early. Like 4:30 in the morning, too early. We went to storytime, grandma's, Target, and then came home and cleaned some more. The bathroom and Little Miss' bedroom is done, (so much for being flexible but I'm trying to get all the laundry done first... And there is a lot of it!) but now I need to organize both just a wee bit! 

Thursday and Friday was a day of rest with a little bit of cleaning/organizing. Friday night, Josh and I actually had a date night. We saw Inside Out. It was such a cute movie! 

On Saturday, I helped my Mother-in-law paint wooden firecrackers for her ward's 4th of July breakfast. They turned out so cute! Hopefully I can show you pictures next week. Sunday, we went to grandma's and Little Miss decided to play in the baby doll's rocking crib. It was too cute! 

So, the house is a work in progress. It's very slow, but it's getting done. 

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