Saturday, May 9, 2015

Do It All

Have you ever heard of the phrase: know it all? Well I'm adapting that phrase to do it all. 

Before I had Baby Girl, I was able to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. I'd have most of my chores done by  noon if not sooner. 

Now it takes me most of the day. I love my Baby Girl and I wouldn't change this life for anything in this world. She is a goofball and my everything. 

Despite being busy with my munchin, I did get quite a bit done today and it's only 5:30.

I went grocery shopping, washed dishes and laundry, cut up fruit, made lunches, got myself ready, went to a friend's sealing, went to the library, made dinner, and washed more dishes. 

It was a beautiful day at the temple and a great day for a sealing! 

I've got awesome blessings all around me and I can't let feelings of inadequacy get me down because I'm doing the best I can and I have to remember that I am enough! :) If you haven't figured it out that'll be my mantra for a while. 

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