Friday, May 8, 2015

Family Home Evening: Week 1

That's embarrassing... Family Home Evening: Week 1... and we've been married almost two and a half years and our daughter is almost a year and a half old. 

We've done Family Home Evenings before, just not consistently. 

Well, being a member of the primary presidency is changing that. Week after week, house visit after house visit, we are always mentioning gospel basics like Family Home Evening and here I am, a leader, not doing it. 

After prayer and modern scripture study, I was going to do Family Home Evening and our lesson was about why Family Home Evening was important. I used several articles from the April 2015 Ensign and we made a plan. As silly as the lesson may sound, it was exactly what our family needed. 
If you can see from my plan, it was short and sweet. It wasn't perfect, but it worked for us. We have some ideas for activities that we can do as a family in the future that I'm sure we'll adapt/change as Baby Girl gets older. 

If you're like us, try just meeting to discuss the importance of Family Home Evening, set a date every week, create a list of possible activities, and if your family is big enough, set a rotating schedule of who teaches the lesson. 

I will try to get back with you weekly and let you know how Family Home Evening goes. :)

Happy Friday! 

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