Saturday, October 3, 2015

Autumn!!! + More Updates

Welcome to fall!!!

I saw the graphic above on Facebook and died laughing but, I am still very excited! Fall is seriously my favorite time of year because of football, the changing of the leaves, the cooler weather, and then the family-filled, get some time off, holidays! 

Everyone is growing quickly!

Baby Girl has had some more problems eating, but she's hydrated and gaining weight so the doc is not too worried. She is already in 3 month clothing. She is weighing in at 11.7 and 22.5 inches long.

Little Miss is your typical 22 month old. I am constantly reminding myself that she is still 1. It's hard for me to remember most of the time because she is the oldest and the size of a 3-year-old. Not much has changed though she has more teeth coming in. My awesome sis bought her the cute dress and matching bow in the pic below. 

Josh has been busy working as usual but, he has been preparing for his Oral Board which was earlier in the week. Now, it's the waiting game to see where he ranks among the other applicants. Results will post next week. 

As for myself, I've been trying to stay calm and relaxed about everything. I'm nervous about returning to work, on top of taking care of a rambunctious toddler and colicky newborn... So needless to say that going out to see my mom and then a few days later going to Utah on a day trip was relaxing and got my mind off of nerve-wracking things. My trip to Utah had a great sign! I also got to use my new carrier and I LOVE it!!!!

My 6 week check up went well. My c-section incision healed up well. So I get to return to work on time. 

I feel like I had more to add, but I don't remember and that's okay because it's nearly 2am and I haven't slept yet... And tomorrow comes early because General Conference is at 9am. Plus, I have an early-rising toddler so every morning comes early. :D

I'll update more later! 

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