Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October 2015 General Conference

***If it's italicized, then I added it in after I originally published

I loved this session of conference... I love them all, but this weekend seemed to hit home! There was much said that I needed to hear and I always love the sweet Spirit that I feel during the weekend and within my home. The three things that stuck with me the most is: 1- "All is well", 2- Set aside money each week along with pondering one scripture each week, and 3- Practice self-control... as it will become stronger each time.

I need to remember that all is well. Growing up, no matter what happened, I had that attitude and that along with some other attributes, I was always asked by others if I was LDS. Lately, I've forgotten that all is well, and if it doesn't seem like it now, all will be well later. I must remember that always! 

The next is to set aside money each week... Not sure how we're going to do with that as we just had a new addition to the family and I've been home for 8 weeks, but I can try and that's what counts. 

Then, we should ponder scripture each week. I thought about pondering scripture mastery, but I read a talk Sunday night and I feel as if I should focus/ponder the subject. Sunday I read the talk and Monday I read "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" in regards to the talk and my interest. There are a few more scriptures to read for the subject but I already feel wiser. 

Finally, practice self-control means not giving in to temptations like spending money on stuff I don't need or eating food I don't really need. I'm sure I can add more, but I'm also sure that you get the idea. 

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