Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Divine Attributes

Saturday evening, I wrapped up my first week of studying the scriptures, specifically Divine Nature. I can tell a difference not only in myself but in my family as well when I practice applying my divine attributes. With some changes setting in later this week, I have also noticed the differences when I don't practice applying the attributes of divine nature to my daily life. Following the guidance from the YW Personal Progress, I read 2 General Conference talks. One that I read was given by Richard G. Scott, and it was one I so needed to hear, "The Sanctity of Womanhood" given during the April 2000  General Conference. I was pondering several things, and this answered my thoughts. One quote that clearly describes why there is a difference not only in myself but in my family when I apply divine attributes is, " ...He (Satan)  well knows women are the compassionate, self-sacrificing, loving power that binds together the human family..." We women are the glue. The Men preside, protect, and provide for and over the family, but our nurture seals it all together. It is sometimes a very overwhelming feeling. I read in Alma 7:23 that a women of divine nature will, "...asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal..."So I did. I prayed for my husband and there have been changes already, whether it's just in my own heart, his heart, or both hearts. The little difference is already making a big impact! It makes me happy. How have challenges changed your life? Is it immediate or in progress? Do you keep your faith? Just some thoughts to ponder! 

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