Thursday, October 8, 2015


How often have you been so wrapped up doing something or your schedule changed and you forgot to do something? 

I do that a lot! In fact, I was so tired last night I forgot to brush my teeth. Did you think I was going to say I forgot to read my scriptures? Don't worry, I didn't. Though it is usually the thing I forget when I run out of time. This time around though, I'm studying the scriptures with purpose and I already feel a difference in my soul/spirit. I don't want to lose that feeling, so even though I was exhausted and it was much later than usual I read the 3rd scripture under Divine Nature and took notes in my journal. I read it tonight I'm sure and see if it makes any sense. :D

That is something new for me, reading the scriptures with purpose. I use to read just to read but I never made it very far without purpose. So If you're struggling with reading the scriptures, I challenge you to find your purpose, your inspiration... Is it to read the Book of Mormon in 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, just 10 minutes a day (TAD), or all the way through? Is it to build a stronger testimony? Do you want to set a good example for your kids? Do you feel you need to study a specific subject like me? Pray and listen to find your purpose! 

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