Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Summer Vacation Week 5

Monday was simple, I went through organizing the rest of our clothes. We have way too many! But we are getting rid of a lot which is good. We drove up to Mesquite later that afternoon so we could attend my grandma's funeral on Tuesday. Little Miss had such a blast with Grandma, Grandpa, and Lacy Rae! 

Tuesday was a long day! This pregnant mommy was wore out by noon. We went to my grandma's funeral. I missed most of it because Little Miss was being herself and wanted to run around and play. We had to walk to the other end of the cemetery just to make sure she wasn't very loud so everyone else could hear. She got to meet some of her cousins. It was really nice! We drove back early afternoon so Little Miss would take a nap. By 6, everyone was exhausted. We basically watched Youtube the rest of the night. Little Miss didn't sleep so well because she couldn't breathe through her nose. I had to give her some allergy medicine just so she could sleep. 

Wednesday, I began to tackle the living room. A friend of mine who is done having kids had a ton of clothes so she gave them to us. They were sitting in our living room so I decided to go through them and put them in storage ziplock bags. It literally took me all day to sort, organize by size, put them in bags, and seal them up. I still need to sort through the shoes. Little Miss wanted some mommy time though, with her not feeling good I had to stop a lot today. 

Thursday and Friday were my relaxing days which was good because Little Miss still wasn't feeling good and they are daddy's days off. We basically hung out doing very little except going out. 

Saturday, I got enough rest to do some basic cleaning. Daddy grilled for lunch. It's was another simple day.  

Sunday seemed hectic, but it was good. We went to church and just hung out at home all day. This mommy even snuck in a nap. Oh, and Little Miss figured out how to completely open a locked door before church so we officially had to toddler-proof our doors! 

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