Sunday, December 20, 2015

December Part 1

Oh man.... I have a lot to catch up on! 

Little miss celebrated her 2nd birthday with family! She got a lot of books and toys! Grandpa Craythorn took all the pics that night. This picture was the morning after when she opened grandma and grandpa Clark's present. 

I had other things to write about but oh well! 

School is over for Winter Break. I did snowflakes in my classroom for our winter celebration. I've even been decking out the holiday earrings! 

Baby Girl turned 4 months old today! She is so very active. She giggles and coos at basically everyone. She squirms like there is no tomorrow. I can already tell her sister is going to be her best friend! She does tummy time well and still spits up a ton. She cries very little and is a happy little baby! 

I have to say... It kind of hysterical that I put my girls in the same outfit at 4 months old! 

As a side note, I sure do miss the snow-covered mountains back home! 

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