Friday, December 26, 2014


Hello all!

December has been pretty much the same as in my last post: sickness, busyness, fun, and love. I've also seen some beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

Monday night, we went to Craig Ranch Park to see the Christmas lights. Baby Girl saw Santa and cried.


Christmas was awesome! Baby Girl and I went to grandma Ali's & grandpa Clark's for the day on Christmas Eve. Baby girl got lots of awesome things! 


That evening, we opened one gift: Christmas pajamas! She sure does look cute! 

Christmas Day was a cranky day... Baby girl was teething. We opened up presents at the house. Baby Girl gots some shoes and a book. I was busy making food all day. We took a long nap and then headed over to grandma Sheri's. She got the rest of her books. She also got more clothes and a toy. Sadly no pictures... But everyone opened there gifts at once. 

Josh and I also got a surprise, but it's on back order so I'll show you once we get it! 

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! 

Saturday, December 13, 2014


The last few months have been crazy!

Illness has spread through this house... Multiple times! In fact, at Baby Girl's check up today we found out she's got an ear infection. :(

We spent Thanksgiving here at home! We put up our tree, did some Christmas shopping, and just spent some well needed time with each other. 

We celebrated Baby Girl's birthday. I got a new calling as first counselor in the primary presidency.

We've been fighting off colds, caught some amazing sunrises and sunsets, and had some crazy hair days. I've also broke my glasses. Josh has been working plenty of overtime. We got our new car registered. There have just been a lot of fun-filled days and plenty of love and colds to go around! 

It's been busy, but good. It truly is a blessing to live this life! 

1st Birthday

Baby girl turned one earlier this month and it was quite the celebration! 

She spent her birthday at home eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich and enjoying playing with her new bath toys! 

Then for the weekend, we went to see my parents and she got some new toys that she just loves! 

Sunday evening was Josh's family dinner. We had Mac n' Cheese with broccoli and keibasa along with a side of applesauce. We then had spice cake and chocolate ice cream for dessert. She got some new toys and a few books. 

It was a fun, fun, fun birthday!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Growing Up

I can not believe that my daughter is almost 11 months old. This month has flown by fast.The following are just a video and a few pictures from this past month. Sadly, no Halloween pics because plans did not work as expected.

Car Ride
Eating Chinese
Partial Costume made by me

Playing with Shapes

Saturday, September 6, 2014

First 2 Weeks of School

Oh my goodness!
The first two weeks of school have been fun, overwhelming, and just great. I have a very supportive grade level and my students are super sweet! I have been told, I have one of the best classes in 3rd grade. This school is using programs I have never used before so getting used to the programs have been and will be fun.
The school-wide reading program officially begins on Monday. It seems very overwhelming because there is a lot of pressure to follow this program with fidelity. After doing the lesson plans though, it doesn't seem like it's as hard as everyone describes. Of course, I need to teach it first!

Cookies from the first day of school from our admin. "Be Happy!"
Baby girl has adjusted well. She gets to hang out with grandma all day. She love driving her car, chasing the dogs and cousins, and playing with her toys. Her second tooth has broken through, she can scale herself across the room, crawl super fast, pick up foods with her fingers, and I know there is so much more I am missing. We can not believe how fast she is growing. She will have her doctor's appointment soon so we will learn just how much she has grown. We love this little girl so much!!! She is already 9 months.

Baby Girl 9 months old

Baby Girl feeding herself

My new haircut

Thursday, August 21, 2014

My New Classroom

Day 1 (8/15/14)
Came in. Got what I needed from the office. Assessed the classroom. After thinking for awhile, decided I couldn't do much and left. 

Day 2 (8/18/14)
Came in. Found several pieces of furniture removed. Put desks together. Talked with grade level chair, have an idea what stations are needed in my room. Have an idea for floor plan. Left for family function. 

Day 3 (8/20/14)
Came in. Brought in some personal educational items. Rearranged furniture. Attended meetings. Ate lunch. Attended more meeting. Picked up school-purchased educational items. 

Day 4 (8/21/14)
Came in. Brought in more personal educational items. Attended a meeting. Picked up supplies. Got my writing and reading books. Rearranged my desks. Finalized my class schedule. Did some decorating, organizing, and setting up within my classroom. 

Day 5 (8/22/14)
Came in. Attended 2 meetings. Worked on lesson plans, copies, and a to-do list.

Day 6 & 7 (8/23-24/14)
Came in. Worked on setting up the rest of my classroom. Josh was awesome enough to help out for about 2 hours on Saturday night. 

Sunday night we spent some time with family. Baby girl's cousins thought that wearing a witch's hat would awesome!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 10 + 2 Days

Nothing very exciting! I just spent my last week of summer vacation with my family, did some shopping, and watched all the Harry Potter movies. 

Tomorrow work begins! I've popped into work twice for a few hours. I'm excited to find out more and meet my entire team! 

I'm not excited about leaving my daughter so I can go work. If I work hard now, maybe things will be different in a few years... Maybe. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 9 + Our Vacation

Monday about noon, we headed out to see some friends in Rexburg. We just drove straight there minus one stop so Baby Girl didn't have to be stuck in a car all day. It rained a little but overall was a nice drive. We ate at Chick-fil-A for the first time. I got to meet a friend of Josh's. He has cats. We found out that Baby girl doesn't like cats... It's quite hilarious actually. Both Baby Girl and myself ended up super sick that night. 

Tuesday we drove from Rexburg into Grand Teton National Park. It was a beautiful drive. The park is HUGE! It was very stormy so we only ended up on 2 trails and were unable to complete the last half a mile on one which was okay because when we reached about 100 yards from the car, it started pouring! There were people hiking up as we were coming down and boy I sure thought they were crazy. We drove from one end of the park to the other and despite the cold, rainy, dark weather it was gorgeous. We then drove into Jackson and ate at Pinky G's Pizzeria. It smelled phenomenal and tasted great. Baby Girl met a puppy chocolate lab outside the restaurant and we could not get her attention for anything. We then drove back to Rexburg. 

Wednesday we headed back to Burley around 2. Boy, oh boy, we had an adventure driving home. We were hit with three major storms on our drive! With the first major storm, Josh pulled over and we waited for about 20 minutes for the worse to pass us. We still left when it was nasty but, we didn't have to pass through most of it on the highway. Then we had two smaller yet powerful storms we hit on the way home. We made it back to eat dinner and play "Ticket to Ride" with some family.

Thursday was a day I didn't want to be in the car but, I ended up in a car. We went around town. Got some ice cream, bought "Ticket to Ride", and just explored the area. It was a horrible night but, neither josh nor I really wanted to go home.

Friday we left. We decided to make as many stops as we wanted. We had to stop because Baby Girl was fussy so we got some Apple Beer. Josh is addicted to that soda! Then we went to Chick-fil-A and Cabela's. We ended up making a stop in Beaver, we went shopping in St. George, and stayed with my folks in Mesquite. It was a tiresome day to say the least.

Saturday we got to relax, played "Ticket to Ride" some more, then drove home. It was smooth sailing! We visited family and showed off our pictures and what we bought and played "Ticket to Ride". 

As Josh and I return to reality, we begin another school year and all that comes with it!

Pictures will be uploaded to a future post. 

Updates on Baby Girl:
*She learned how to officially crawl on shaggy carpet and now will crawl everywhere.
* She dislikes cats.
*She turned 8 months old.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 8

Sunday, we had dinner with half the family. It was the last time we'd see Steven and his family for a short bit.

Monday was a busy day of researching, making lists, and cleaning. I really didn't get a lot of anything done because Baby Girl isn't feeling well but, I tried. We moved her into her own room finally. 

Tuesday through Thursday were cleaning days, washing days, packing days, and anything else you can think of days.

Friday we left for our vacation. It was a fun adventure. We made several stops but, what really made our 9 hour trip into 12 hours was the traffic delays. Once outside of Las Vegas and once before Salt Lake City. These both delayed us close to 2 hours. However, we made it safe and sound. 

Saturday and Sunday we hung out with family, went to church, and just had a relaxing time before our big day trip the following week.

Pictures will be on a future post.

Updates on Baby Girl:
*She can stand without support for about 3 seconds.
*She stood for a total of 7 seconds once.
* She can handle being in a car as long as it's not stop and go traffic.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Review: Charlie Banana

In case you are wonder who or what Charlie Banana is... Charlie Banana is a reusable cloth diaper company.

So now you may be wondering... Tamra (or even Josh) and reusable diapers? Yes!

When I was pregnant with Baby Girl, my sister-in-law mentioned that a local store carried these reusable diapers and she knew someone from church who uses them and swears by them. I decided to check out the store.

The diapers seemed pricey but, I liked the idea. So, I did some research. I went to the Charlie Banana website, watched YouTube videos, read some reviews and added up estimated costs.

Honestly, I chose Charlie Banana over other brands because of the availability. Ironically by the time I bought them weeks before she was born, no local stores carried anything Charlie Banana. I guess cloth diapering in Las Vegas is not very popular. I had plenty of gift cards so I still made my purchase online.

What convinced my husband? The price. We did the math... Please don't make me do it again! The results were clear: over $8,000 a year for about 2 years consisting of disposable diapers and wipes or $300 to start with the purchase of reusable cloth diapers that if taken care of properly can last more than 2 years and maybe $300 on the bamboo liners/wipes, disposable pads a year and the cost of water and laundry detergent. Reusable diapers were very cost efficient! This was the selling point for both me and my husband! 

How much do I love them? They are an inexpensive alternative that helps take care of the planet. My daughter has never had a rash wearing these diapers. The disposable inserts make going out easy. Once laundering diaper skills have been learned, laundry is a piece of cake! Best part, they are resizeable, so they grow with her no matter how big or small her belly and thighs may be! Customizable sizing is a gigantic plus!!!

What do I hate? Laundering sucks until you figure out what works for you. We went to the Charlie Banana blog to learn some tips and tricks. Some ideas worked and some didn't. We just had to figure out what worked for us. Also, they give my daughter a big booty. Disposables are thin and can be worn with the ever-shrinking clothing. With the bulky diaper, she typically wears one size up (which is okay because my daughter has my husband's heighth, or so it seems, so it evens itself out). 

As a side bonus: I must say, I find reusables easier to use when working than being at home because I'm continually wondering how many diapers she's used, how many are left, and will I need to do laundry tonight? As I list these questions it sounds stressful but, it was just easy breezy. 

Anyway, I will write about our personal tips and tricks later.

I hope my review helps you and if you try them I hope you love them! :)

Summer Reads: Land of the Lone Star series

Most of you have probably never heard of  Land of the Lone Star series. This is a series by Tracie Peterson. I absolutely love almost all books by her! She is a phenomenal writer as her books are filled with such captivating power against the reader, you can't help but fall in love.

I read Chasing the Sun and was not disappointed. It had everything I loved: romance, history, suspense, and most importantly were Christian values!

I read book number two, Touching the Sky. As I began, I was highly disappointed! Usually I'll read her trilogy's because they have a distinct connection and this book in no way seemed to have connected. About halfway through, we reconnect with 2 of the male characters from book one. It was a pleasant surprise! As stated, this book began atypically and the focus was on 4 new characters, not really continuing the story from the first. Of course, this book still had everything I love about Tracie Peterson's books!

Book three, Taming the Wind, picks up shortly after book two and follow a young lad from book one and a southern belle from book two. Peterson combines the two families shared individually and pairs them up wonderfully creating a third family by the end of this series. Again it has everything I love, including the adrineline pumping adventure because of worry for the main character.

Although I was thoroughly saddened by a lack of connection at the beginning of book two, I was ecstatic about the plot twist making the connection!  

I have read at least one series every summer by Tracie Peterson and am rarely disappointed! If you get a chance, go to your local library and check it out.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 7

I can not believe how time is flying by!!! It's hard to believe that I've been out of school for 7 weeks!

This week was another kick-back week. We had our last whole family dinner Monday night with a BBQ. People are going on vacation and then Steven and his family leave for home. Friday night we went to the 51's baseball game. It was awesome! Baby girl seemed to enjoy herself for most of the evening! 

Saturday was my 27th birthday! We slept in, went to the library, got a mani/pedi, had a delicious lunch at Beijing Noodle Cafe, and ice cream from Thrifty's. It was a spectacular day! 

Updates on Baby girl:
She is teething!
She is crawling!
She can roll 360*!
She won't sleep! Lol. 
She is opening everything!
She pulled a shelf full of DVD's to the floor. 
She can pull herself up using a couch or table.
She can scale the couch or table.

Yep. I think that is about it! :)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 6

This week was a blur! There was too much going on and I didn't keep very good track. Josh's brother was in town. One day the whole family went to the Shark Reef. It was a lot of fun! Another day all the kiddos and mommies went swimming. For some reason everyone got sunburned. I cried when I saw Baby Girl got burned! It was a pretty traumatic moment! On Friday, the men had a game night while us women had the kiddos and ate pizza and watched movies. We were in Mesquite on Saturday and Sunday to visit family including great grandpa Pops. When we weren't busy, we pretty much relaxed.  I'll put up pictures when I can! 
Oh... And our a/c went out! It was kind of sucky but, we got it fixed.

Good news: we are planning an adventurous vacation. We are planning on going to Grand Teton National Park. Neither of us have been there and I am super excited because the pictures I've seen are breathe-takingly amazing! 

When we get back, it's high gear into prepping for the new school year! 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Summer Flicks: Blended

As stated on my previous post, Josh and I went to see Blended staring Adam Sandler and Drew Berrymore. 

The movie starts as a disaster, the two going on a blind date. Eventually the two come together in a hilarious, splendid (or should I say "blended") way. We laughed so much! I personally loved the appearance of Tom from 50 First Dates. The movie was totally relatable and minus a few details, was totally family friendly. 

There was one scene with a pole in it, and the boy assumed the hotel had been a firehouse previously. So even though it is pretty family friendly, unless you are ready to explain some adult things like poles and animal mating then keep the movie just for the adults. 

Overall, super cute! I will be buying this movie eventually!

My conversion

I feel compelled to write my conversion story, maybe it will inspire or give hope.

I grew up in an LDS founded town, in fact, a few of my ancestors had helped settle the area I once called home. 

My family has several generations within the church but, with my father and most of his siblings, the generation before mine fell away. (As a side note: my father was born in 1944.)

My dad fell away after he became a deacon. His friends joked with him in his old age that, 'he was the oldest deacon in town'. He never explained much. I'm assuming he didn't want to taint my personal views. 

In elementary school, I sometimes went to the LDS church with my neighborhood friends. Most of the time, I went to church with my mom or other friends which began at a Baptist church and eventually I settled into the Methodist church. Becoming a member of the Methodist church was not an easy decision. It was my freshman year in high school and I was going to seminary with my friends during lunch and on Sunday's I was attending church service at the Methodist church.  Whenever missionaries came to our door, they were never allowed in because of what had happened in my father's past. It was confusing as to which I should become a member of. I had no pressure from either side, nor my family. The decision was all my own. After getting out of town, having alone time, and praying with my Heavenly Father, I felt the best decision was to become a member of the Methodist church. I made the most amazing friends whom I'm still friends with to this day, young and old. It was not the wrong choice. I stayed a member and stayed extremely active until I moved to Las Vegas for school in August 2008.

I tried several Methodist churches in the area and no matter how hard I tried, it didn't feel the same. I stopped going to church altogether unless I was visiting my family back home. That was the same year my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, so I went home a lot on the weekends. That was also the year I met my husband. 

Come 2009, my pastor from back home was called to serve in Henderson, NV and I started to attend there because it was hard to always go home with my new job. When I was back home, the feeling was the same as I felt when I first came to Las Vegas, so I didn't attend church all that much. 

My husband and I started dating in July and I met his family. They are members of the LDS church. My dad passed away in October, my husband and I broke up in April 2010 and by May I had hit rock-bottom. I still tried finding a church home in Las Vegas and couldn't still almost two years later. The Methodist church in Henderson was great, but something still felt missing. I remember my husband's family saying if I wanted to go to church with them that I was more than welcome to. We were still in contact so I asked and I went. I felt whatever it was that I had been missing. 

I sort of began taking missionary lessons but because I was moving in July, we didn't do a whole lot of lessons. Once I moved, I began taking the lessons. Come September, I was baptized and confirmed a member of Christ's holy church.

I've had many highs and many lows since I've become a member of the LDS church. All were meant for a reason!

After our long break-up, during which we both had personal lessons that needed to be given, we got back together May 2012, engaged in September, and married/sealed in December. We had our precious baby girl just shy of our 1 year anniversary. 

I'm eternally grateful to be a member of the LDS church. It was a journey that took 23 years. So do not give up hope on friends and loved ones, or anyone for that matter, because the way you live your life or the things you may discuss can become the building blocks for those who will become members in the future. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 5

Monday was a kick-back type of day... We had to buy baby food and decided to see if I could find some baby shoes that would fit. Baby girl has thin and long feet so when we were at Meadows Mall a few weeks back, we were unable to find a pair that fit her. When we were at Walmart, we found a pair that fit well! :)
They should match most of her outfits. :)

Tuesday, we went to the library for Baby girl's first storytime. As a former librarian assistant, it is very weird to be on this side of the storytime program as a parent instead of being the librarian teaching and sharing stories. It was kind of cool though because I already knew most of the stories and songs. Anywho, Baby girl wasn't used to seeing so many kids, but she seemed to have enjoyed herself. She even made a little craft. Lol
I didn't get a very good picture. :/ 

Wednesday was another kick-back day. We spent the day at grandma's house playing and napping. We decided to go out and eat for dinner at Jimmy John's. The store echoed very much and once Baby girl discovered it, the noise making was on! She was quite happy with what she heard! 

It rained during the day on Thursday so, we got to play in the rain! 
Daddy made scones for breakfast. It was a great morning!

Friday was our day date time! For the first time in a very long time, I felt like a hubby & wife. We went to the movies and watched Blended. It was an awesome movie! Look for a review in the near future. It was great to have some stress-free alone time! Also Baby girl met cousin G & B for the first time at Grandma's house. It sounded like all the kiddos had fun!

Saturday was great! We went to the library and checked out some books. We did some grocery shopping. Smith's has some decent deals going on until Tuesday, July 15th. We went to a cycling shop, REI, and Target. Baby girl finally has some shades! :) She is going to be rockin' it! 

Updates on Baby girl:
More of her tooth can be seen.
She weighs 19.4 lbs.
She balanced standing up by herself for almost 2 seconds. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summer Reads: Hunger Game series

So I have finally read the Hunger Games series! I'm the person who tends to watch the movies first, then read the books. I guess I'm just weird like that! :) 


Anywho, I enjoyed the series... It was heartbreaking to say the least, to have a country so destroyed and the people at continuous war (or so it seems). I thought that it was great that Peeta was the one who ended with Katniss in the end... He was her yang to her yin... His peacefulness calmed her passionate, firery side and even though he may have "deserved better" as both Katniss and Haymitch stated, Gale was not completely right for her. He was too easy to anger and didn't forgive easily. He did usually come around and soften his heart but, in most cases the damage had been done. I am a softy for friendships and I am sad that Gale and Katniss could no longer be friends but with all that had happened, with Prim all the way to the beginning of the series, their friendship seemed toxic in the end. 

It's a decent series... I liked it well enough to have read it once but, I can't say I'd ever read it again. Who knows? 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 4

Monday we went shopping at Babies R Us and bought a walker for Baby Girl. She loves it! She was waving her hands like crazy! 
She also got to spend some quality time with daddy! 
On Tuesday, mommy here accomplished organizing the kitchen so it wasn't full of boxes!
I don't remember much of Wednesday or Thursday. Daddy gave me some me time and took Shi out for a drive. I got to do Zumba for the first time in forever! I went shopping for the fourth too.

Friday was a kick-back day! Mommy made potato salad, daddy slept, Baby girl even helped make potato salad! 
We went to grandma's house and had a BBQ. It sure was yummy! Baby girl got dressed up in her 4th of July outfit that grandma and grandpa bought her. 
She also turned 7 months old! 

Saturday was the usual, errands day. Daddy found a new series to read at the library. Mommy discovered some baby storytimes! :) We went and watched the Tour De France... Baby girl was not interested at all!

Sunday, we had a BBQ with some friends.  

Overall, a successful week full of fun and laughter! 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 3

I finally gave up with my list and did our "days" how I felt like it. 

Monday and Tuesday were days I caught up on shows on Hulu (Castle & Grey's Anatomy). 
Wednesday we went window shopping at the Meadows Mall. Baby girl absolutely loved the mirror in the play area! Thursday, despite the wind, we went window shopping at Town Square... I ended up buying 2 outfits for baby girl at Old Navy. I can't wait to show pictures! Friday was laundry day, then we drove up to Mesquite to see Grandma & Grandpa. Josh & I got to do "date night" on Saturday. We went bowling and shopping for baby things like diapers and food. We also went swimming and Josh even joined us! We left Sunday and celebrated Baby A's 2nd birthday at family dinner. 

Updates on Baby Girl:
Her first tooth finally broke through last Sunday. We can clearly feel it, but it's still difficult to see. 

She can pull herself up without guidance... Though sometimes she still needs it. 

With assistance from mommy, daddy, or someone else, she can walk wherever she pleases.

She is growing up way too fast!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 2

This week was a bit off, but much better than last week. 

We went to the library on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, I stayed in and cleaned the house. Thursday, I honestly don't remember. Friday we went swimming at the clubhouse pool. Saturday we tried something new and went clothes shopping.

Updates on baby girl: 
- She is very close to crawling
- She growls to let you know she isn't happy
- She is so adorable when she gets excited-- she will wave her arms every time but always includes one of the following- squishy face while snorting, clasp her hands together with an almost pouty face, or grabs me and hugs me. She is just too adorable.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Bountiful Basket (June 14th)

Okay, so Saturday was a super busy day as you already know! I was just barely able to go through my bountiful basket. I purchased a conventional basket and I forgot which add on (whoops! Something with herbs and veggies.) My total was $26.

From my conventional basket:
1 pineapple
1 bag of green grapes
7 bananas
6 oz of blueberries
4 oranges
3 avacados
4 tomatoes
13 small potatoes
1 head of lettuce
4 zucchini 
1 head of some leafy green

My add on (for $8.50):
2 zucchini
1 yellow squash
2 orange bell peppers
8 oz of mushrooms
1 large red onion
2 small white onions
1 garlic head
1 bunch of parsley
3 bunches of herbs (mint, thyme, ?)

Needless to say, I am excited about this weeks turnout! For the amount of what I got, it's so worth the $26 and the quality looks great! I already used 2 of my avacados yesterday to make guacamole. It was yummy! Anyone care to share? Or any ideas how to use it all up? 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day--2014

I want to say happy Father's Day to all the men in my life. 

Happy Father's Day to my own father, who taught me about hard work, loving unconditionally, and so many life lessons I could continue on forever. 

Next on to a man I also call dad. He came into my life just before my own dad passed away. He became somewhat a protector in my life, watching out and being there if I needed him. I am so blessed that I have become a member of the family.
Next is papa. I knew the day I met him that he was SO good for my mom. He has cared for, looked after, and treated me well, much like a daughter. He is an amazing papa to my daughter.

Most importantly is the man my daughter calls, "dada". (She just said it 2 days ago!) He works so hard, is the funny man, and loves so unconditionally. I love this man for everything he is!

I know there are many more to thank but, these are the main dad's I must thank! :)

Summer Vacation Week 1

So Monday was library day. We did not go because we went to the library on Saturday when we were in Mesquite. Tuesday we were going to walk around the temple, but it was just so darn hot. Window-shopping Wednesday didn't work out because we had a doctor's appt for Baby girl, "house sitting", and a church meeting that evening. Swimming Thursday didn't work out. Friend's Day Friday didn't go as planned. Try Something New Saturday was the only thing that kind of went right. So I would say this week is a bust! That's where I get to try again next week! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Life in Lists-- My To-Do List

Okay so a friend of mine joined a linking blog thing where every Monday, Marci, posts a "challenge" for you to write about and then you link with other blogs. I'm not sure, but it sounds like fun!

This week's "challenge" is to write my to-do list... 

Can I just sum it up with: clean, organize, and decorate the house?

I've started with the living room. That room is still in progress. I need to get to the kitchen, our bedroom, the bathrooms, and the two smaller bedrooms. Of course, I can't forget our shed, backyard, and patio. 

This on top of my personal daily to-do's including reading the BoM in 9 weeks (3-4 chapters a day or 7-8 pages a day) and sticking to my healthy eating plan and working out.

I also know I only get 9 weeks with my beautiful daughter and amazing husband before I return to work so everything I do will be a slow process because these weeks are very precious to me... spending time with my family. 

I can get "OCD" with my house list, but I honestly just want my boxes unpacked and have it clean and organized... This is me not being picky!

Marci's list is very much how mine would've normally been before I had my daughter. (Seriously, go see her page... just click on her name) She also knows spending time with family is important so if the list goes on to the next day, she is not heartbroken. On the other hand, I'm thinking this summertime lackadaisical "if I do it, I do it and if I don't, then I don't" attitude must be a teacher thing because her sister's (Kelli) list is very much relaxed. I sure wish I had the time to get a tan, but I'd burn! :)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

First Summer Weekend

So this weekend was the first weekend of the summer and we began our summertime plans. 

Friends Day Friday
We drove up to Mesquite and spent the day with my folks. It also spilled into Saturday when we went to visit my grandma.

Try Something New Saturday
Baby girl has gone swimming before, but not with just me so that was our try something new Saturday. We went swimming in Mesquite. We had a lot of fun and Baby girl kept on kicking and laughing and she did not want to get out when we did! 

Tomorrow, I teach primary Sunday school  for the first time--subbing so it'll be interesting. It should be a lot of fun though!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Good-Bye Northwest

Today I said my final good-byes to the Northwest. I thought I was going to be a bit more sad than this but I am not. I am happy it happened and I am happy to move on to the next chapter of my life... East side. Lol :)

My Northwest story started back in 2010 when I was living in Henderson and needing a place to live. My friend offered me a room and I gladly accepted. :)

It had the best possible view ever, just around the base of Mt. Charleston! 
I became a member of the LDS church and our lifestyles were different and so I moved out and moved in with 2 awesome ladies!

Three short months later I was hired on at Bozarth Elementary School... Home of the Aviators! :)
My second year teaching, I got married and moved clear over to the East side of town to be closer to family. I stayed for a third year and I'm so glad I did because I got to meet many amazing people. Then this year (my 3rd year), my beautiful daughter came along and the drive became too much!
I miss my little girl tons! It was time to move closer to home and I found a school not to far away at all! 

Driving away today, I realized I am in a new chapter of my life. I needed to be in the Northwest for a season, but now my home and life are here in the East side... and I must say, it feels like home!