Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Life in Lists-- My To-Do List

Okay so a friend of mine joined a linking blog thing where every Monday, Marci, posts a "challenge" for you to write about and then you link with other blogs. I'm not sure, but it sounds like fun!

This week's "challenge" is to write my to-do list... 

Can I just sum it up with: clean, organize, and decorate the house?

I've started with the living room. That room is still in progress. I need to get to the kitchen, our bedroom, the bathrooms, and the two smaller bedrooms. Of course, I can't forget our shed, backyard, and patio. 

This on top of my personal daily to-do's including reading the BoM in 9 weeks (3-4 chapters a day or 7-8 pages a day) and sticking to my healthy eating plan and working out.

I also know I only get 9 weeks with my beautiful daughter and amazing husband before I return to work so everything I do will be a slow process because these weeks are very precious to me... spending time with my family. 

I can get "OCD" with my house list, but I honestly just want my boxes unpacked and have it clean and organized... This is me not being picky!

Marci's list is very much how mine would've normally been before I had my daughter. (Seriously, go see her page... just click on her name) She also knows spending time with family is important so if the list goes on to the next day, she is not heartbroken. On the other hand, I'm thinking this summertime lackadaisical "if I do it, I do it and if I don't, then I don't" attitude must be a teacher thing because her sister's (Kelli) list is very much relaxed. I sure wish I had the time to get a tan, but I'd burn! :)

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