Thursday, June 5, 2014

Good-Bye Northwest

Today I said my final good-byes to the Northwest. I thought I was going to be a bit more sad than this but I am not. I am happy it happened and I am happy to move on to the next chapter of my life... East side. Lol :)

My Northwest story started back in 2010 when I was living in Henderson and needing a place to live. My friend offered me a room and I gladly accepted. :)

It had the best possible view ever, just around the base of Mt. Charleston! 
I became a member of the LDS church and our lifestyles were different and so I moved out and moved in with 2 awesome ladies!

Three short months later I was hired on at Bozarth Elementary School... Home of the Aviators! :)
My second year teaching, I got married and moved clear over to the East side of town to be closer to family. I stayed for a third year and I'm so glad I did because I got to meet many amazing people. Then this year (my 3rd year), my beautiful daughter came along and the drive became too much!
I miss my little girl tons! It was time to move closer to home and I found a school not to far away at all! 

Driving away today, I realized I am in a new chapter of my life. I needed to be in the Northwest for a season, but now my home and life are here in the East side... and I must say, it feels like home! 

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