Sunday, June 1, 2014


As the school-year is officially winding down, summer-time is heating up and like most moms, I am thinking about what I can do with my kiddo. Even though Baby girl is almost 6 months and can't be independent even though she wants to be, she is very curious about the world around her and gets bored easily. I also need to get out of the house so I don't go crazy! I also need to spend part of the day inside so I can finally unpack and organize. I have come up with a plan to "do it all"! It's in quotes because as all mommies know, plans can easily be changed whether we want them to be or not!

For me, I want to work out, with my daughter. I've found some other women who have tips and tricks. I want to read and finish the Book of Mormon this summer. I want my house unpacked and organized by the end of the summer. Most importantly, I want to spend a lot of quality time with my ever-growing daughter! Because I am a teacher, I get to spend my 9 school free weeks being a stay at home mom which I'm sure will drive me crazy at times but, every moment will be worth it I am sure! Speaking of which, I've got to spend some time getting ready for church! 

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