Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend 2014

This weekend feels very much like a blur! I came down with a very painful sore throat on Thursday and then allergies on Friday morning and by that afternoon added muscle aches. Needless to say, I was miserable Saturday. We did some shopping and cleaning. I didn't get as much done as I wanted but, I've got a 5 month old now... I'm even thankful I got even a part of the house cleaned. Josh went cycling that afternoon and we made dinner for his folks. Sunday was usual. We went to church and did family dinner. Today did not go as planned. Baby girl was fussy all day! I decided to stay home with her instead of going into work (which I will be making up for every night this week). I think it would've been a good break for all of us. Anywho, I enjoyed spending the day with my husband and daughter: shopping, grilling, remembering loved ones, but I am so going to regret not going into work. :/ I have to say, Baby girl is sitting up well on her own now! I am SO proud of her now!!! 

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