Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

I am clearly slow to the punches but, how was my first Mother's Day?

I had a blast. We went to Mesquite for most of the weekend to visit with my mom. While there, I got a mani/pedi and my hair cut. We gave my mom her present. Josh also got a little treat, early for Father's Day. Pictures of his gift are to come later.
We left Sunday and had dinner with Josh's family. Josh's mom also got the same gift as my mom did.

I must say, making these grandma gifts were crazy and fun. I got the idea from Pinterest and when I showed the picture to Josh, he absolutely loved it! The first one we did (above) turned out decent for our first try. The second one we made was a complete FAIL! Baby girl didn't cooperate and so her feet looked nothing like feet let alone a heart. The third one we did was a charm. The feet were in such a place it actually looked like a heart.

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