Sunday, July 27, 2014

Review: Charlie Banana

In case you are wonder who or what Charlie Banana is... Charlie Banana is a reusable cloth diaper company.

So now you may be wondering... Tamra (or even Josh) and reusable diapers? Yes!

When I was pregnant with Baby Girl, my sister-in-law mentioned that a local store carried these reusable diapers and she knew someone from church who uses them and swears by them. I decided to check out the store.

The diapers seemed pricey but, I liked the idea. So, I did some research. I went to the Charlie Banana website, watched YouTube videos, read some reviews and added up estimated costs.

Honestly, I chose Charlie Banana over other brands because of the availability. Ironically by the time I bought them weeks before she was born, no local stores carried anything Charlie Banana. I guess cloth diapering in Las Vegas is not very popular. I had plenty of gift cards so I still made my purchase online.

What convinced my husband? The price. We did the math... Please don't make me do it again! The results were clear: over $8,000 a year for about 2 years consisting of disposable diapers and wipes or $300 to start with the purchase of reusable cloth diapers that if taken care of properly can last more than 2 years and maybe $300 on the bamboo liners/wipes, disposable pads a year and the cost of water and laundry detergent. Reusable diapers were very cost efficient! This was the selling point for both me and my husband! 

How much do I love them? They are an inexpensive alternative that helps take care of the planet. My daughter has never had a rash wearing these diapers. The disposable inserts make going out easy. Once laundering diaper skills have been learned, laundry is a piece of cake! Best part, they are resizeable, so they grow with her no matter how big or small her belly and thighs may be! Customizable sizing is a gigantic plus!!!

What do I hate? Laundering sucks until you figure out what works for you. We went to the Charlie Banana blog to learn some tips and tricks. Some ideas worked and some didn't. We just had to figure out what worked for us. Also, they give my daughter a big booty. Disposables are thin and can be worn with the ever-shrinking clothing. With the bulky diaper, she typically wears one size up (which is okay because my daughter has my husband's heighth, or so it seems, so it evens itself out). 

As a side bonus: I must say, I find reusables easier to use when working than being at home because I'm continually wondering how many diapers she's used, how many are left, and will I need to do laundry tonight? As I list these questions it sounds stressful but, it was just easy breezy. 

Anyway, I will write about our personal tips and tricks later.

I hope my review helps you and if you try them I hope you love them! :)

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