Monday, July 7, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 4

Monday we went shopping at Babies R Us and bought a walker for Baby Girl. She loves it! She was waving her hands like crazy! 
She also got to spend some quality time with daddy! 
On Tuesday, mommy here accomplished organizing the kitchen so it wasn't full of boxes!
I don't remember much of Wednesday or Thursday. Daddy gave me some me time and took Shi out for a drive. I got to do Zumba for the first time in forever! I went shopping for the fourth too.

Friday was a kick-back day! Mommy made potato salad, daddy slept, Baby girl even helped make potato salad! 
We went to grandma's house and had a BBQ. It sure was yummy! Baby girl got dressed up in her 4th of July outfit that grandma and grandpa bought her. 
She also turned 7 months old! 

Saturday was the usual, errands day. Daddy found a new series to read at the library. Mommy discovered some baby storytimes! :) We went and watched the Tour De France... Baby girl was not interested at all!

Sunday, we had a BBQ with some friends.  

Overall, a successful week full of fun and laughter! 

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