Sunday, July 20, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 6

This week was a blur! There was too much going on and I didn't keep very good track. Josh's brother was in town. One day the whole family went to the Shark Reef. It was a lot of fun! Another day all the kiddos and mommies went swimming. For some reason everyone got sunburned. I cried when I saw Baby Girl got burned! It was a pretty traumatic moment! On Friday, the men had a game night while us women had the kiddos and ate pizza and watched movies. We were in Mesquite on Saturday and Sunday to visit family including great grandpa Pops. When we weren't busy, we pretty much relaxed.  I'll put up pictures when I can! 
Oh... And our a/c went out! It was kind of sucky but, we got it fixed.

Good news: we are planning an adventurous vacation. We are planning on going to Grand Teton National Park. Neither of us have been there and I am super excited because the pictures I've seen are breathe-takingly amazing! 

When we get back, it's high gear into prepping for the new school year! 

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