Monday, July 28, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 8

Sunday, we had dinner with half the family. It was the last time we'd see Steven and his family for a short bit.

Monday was a busy day of researching, making lists, and cleaning. I really didn't get a lot of anything done because Baby Girl isn't feeling well but, I tried. We moved her into her own room finally. 

Tuesday through Thursday were cleaning days, washing days, packing days, and anything else you can think of days.

Friday we left for our vacation. It was a fun adventure. We made several stops but, what really made our 9 hour trip into 12 hours was the traffic delays. Once outside of Las Vegas and once before Salt Lake City. These both delayed us close to 2 hours. However, we made it safe and sound. 

Saturday and Sunday we hung out with family, went to church, and just had a relaxing time before our big day trip the following week.

Pictures will be on a future post.

Updates on Baby Girl:
*She can stand without support for about 3 seconds.
*She stood for a total of 7 seconds once.
* She can handle being in a car as long as it's not stop and go traffic.

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