Saturday, July 26, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 7

I can not believe how time is flying by!!! It's hard to believe that I've been out of school for 7 weeks!

This week was another kick-back week. We had our last whole family dinner Monday night with a BBQ. People are going on vacation and then Steven and his family leave for home. Friday night we went to the 51's baseball game. It was awesome! Baby girl seemed to enjoy herself for most of the evening! 

Saturday was my 27th birthday! We slept in, went to the library, got a mani/pedi, had a delicious lunch at Beijing Noodle Cafe, and ice cream from Thrifty's. It was a spectacular day! 

Updates on Baby girl:
She is teething!
She is crawling!
She can roll 360*!
She won't sleep! Lol. 
She is opening everything!
She pulled a shelf full of DVD's to the floor. 
She can pull herself up using a couch or table.
She can scale the couch or table.

Yep. I think that is about it! :)

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