Saturday, July 12, 2014

Summer Vacation Week 5

Monday was a kick-back type of day... We had to buy baby food and decided to see if I could find some baby shoes that would fit. Baby girl has thin and long feet so when we were at Meadows Mall a few weeks back, we were unable to find a pair that fit her. When we were at Walmart, we found a pair that fit well! :)
They should match most of her outfits. :)

Tuesday, we went to the library for Baby girl's first storytime. As a former librarian assistant, it is very weird to be on this side of the storytime program as a parent instead of being the librarian teaching and sharing stories. It was kind of cool though because I already knew most of the stories and songs. Anywho, Baby girl wasn't used to seeing so many kids, but she seemed to have enjoyed herself. She even made a little craft. Lol
I didn't get a very good picture. :/ 

Wednesday was another kick-back day. We spent the day at grandma's house playing and napping. We decided to go out and eat for dinner at Jimmy John's. The store echoed very much and once Baby girl discovered it, the noise making was on! She was quite happy with what she heard! 

It rained during the day on Thursday so, we got to play in the rain! 
Daddy made scones for breakfast. It was a great morning!

Friday was our day date time! For the first time in a very long time, I felt like a hubby & wife. We went to the movies and watched Blended. It was an awesome movie! Look for a review in the near future. It was great to have some stress-free alone time! Also Baby girl met cousin G & B for the first time at Grandma's house. It sounded like all the kiddos had fun!

Saturday was great! We went to the library and checked out some books. We did some grocery shopping. Smith's has some decent deals going on until Tuesday, July 15th. We went to a cycling shop, REI, and Target. Baby girl finally has some shades! :) She is going to be rockin' it! 

Updates on Baby girl:
More of her tooth can be seen.
She weighs 19.4 lbs.
She balanced standing up by herself for almost 2 seconds. 

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