Friday, December 26, 2014


Hello all!

December has been pretty much the same as in my last post: sickness, busyness, fun, and love. I've also seen some beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

Monday night, we went to Craig Ranch Park to see the Christmas lights. Baby Girl saw Santa and cried.


Christmas was awesome! Baby Girl and I went to grandma Ali's & grandpa Clark's for the day on Christmas Eve. Baby girl got lots of awesome things! 


That evening, we opened one gift: Christmas pajamas! She sure does look cute! 

Christmas Day was a cranky day... Baby girl was teething. We opened up presents at the house. Baby Girl gots some shoes and a book. I was busy making food all day. We took a long nap and then headed over to grandma Sheri's. She got the rest of her books. She also got more clothes and a toy. Sadly no pictures... But everyone opened there gifts at once. 

Josh and I also got a surprise, but it's on back order so I'll show you once we get it! 

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! 

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