Thursday, August 21, 2014

My New Classroom

Day 1 (8/15/14)
Came in. Got what I needed from the office. Assessed the classroom. After thinking for awhile, decided I couldn't do much and left. 

Day 2 (8/18/14)
Came in. Found several pieces of furniture removed. Put desks together. Talked with grade level chair, have an idea what stations are needed in my room. Have an idea for floor plan. Left for family function. 

Day 3 (8/20/14)
Came in. Brought in some personal educational items. Rearranged furniture. Attended meetings. Ate lunch. Attended more meeting. Picked up school-purchased educational items. 

Day 4 (8/21/14)
Came in. Brought in more personal educational items. Attended a meeting. Picked up supplies. Got my writing and reading books. Rearranged my desks. Finalized my class schedule. Did some decorating, organizing, and setting up within my classroom. 

Day 5 (8/22/14)
Came in. Attended 2 meetings. Worked on lesson plans, copies, and a to-do list.

Day 6 & 7 (8/23-24/14)
Came in. Worked on setting up the rest of my classroom. Josh was awesome enough to help out for about 2 hours on Saturday night. 

Sunday night we spent some time with family. Baby girl's cousins thought that wearing a witch's hat would awesome!

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