Sunday, October 18, 2015

Back To Work

Well, I went back to work this week. By the end of each day, I was exhausted. Because of my exhaustion I did not stay on top of my scripture study but, each day is a new day and I can try to do better! 

I did study Monday-Wednesday though! I studied virtue and I feel like I'm doing well in that area. I'm sure I could improve, everyone always has room to improve, but compared to divine nature, I'm doing well. 

Josh has been busy applying for a new job... A job that if he gets, will allow me to be at home with the girls in a few years. 

Since I'm back to work now, no more late nights, but it's kind of easy when you're exhausted 24/7. 


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Forgetfulness???? Part 2



Not sure why I'm letting my faith seep away a wee bit....

Anyway, so I didn't start a new talk last night. :/ It wasn't because I forgot, but because I was tired and working on stuff for my calling. So I read my next talk tonight (Monday), "Worthy of Our Promised Blessings" by Linda S. Reeves. It had a lot of good information. One quote I will #ponderize this week is...

Photo Credit: Gospel Art Kit

With my doubts and concerns afloat, I needed to hear this! 

She talked about staying pure and clean, so I'll be studying Virtue this week out of the YW Personal Progress book and sharing it with you. 

Divine Attributes

Saturday evening, I wrapped up my first week of studying the scriptures, specifically Divine Nature. I can tell a difference not only in myself but in my family as well when I practice applying my divine attributes. With some changes setting in later this week, I have also noticed the differences when I don't practice applying the attributes of divine nature to my daily life. Following the guidance from the YW Personal Progress, I read 2 General Conference talks. One that I read was given by Richard G. Scott, and it was one I so needed to hear, "The Sanctity of Womanhood" given during the April 2000  General Conference. I was pondering several things, and this answered my thoughts. One quote that clearly describes why there is a difference not only in myself but in my family when I apply divine attributes is, " ...He (Satan)  well knows women are the compassionate, self-sacrificing, loving power that binds together the human family..." We women are the glue. The Men preside, protect, and provide for and over the family, but our nurture seals it all together. It is sometimes a very overwhelming feeling. I read in Alma 7:23 that a women of divine nature will, "...asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal..."So I did. I prayed for my husband and there have been changes already, whether it's just in my own heart, his heart, or both hearts. The little difference is already making a big impact! It makes me happy. How have challenges changed your life? Is it immediate or in progress? Do you keep your faith? Just some thoughts to ponder! 

Thursday, October 8, 2015


How often have you been so wrapped up doing something or your schedule changed and you forgot to do something? 

I do that a lot! In fact, I was so tired last night I forgot to brush my teeth. Did you think I was going to say I forgot to read my scriptures? Don't worry, I didn't. Though it is usually the thing I forget when I run out of time. This time around though, I'm studying the scriptures with purpose and I already feel a difference in my soul/spirit. I don't want to lose that feeling, so even though I was exhausted and it was much later than usual I read the 3rd scripture under Divine Nature and took notes in my journal. I read it tonight I'm sure and see if it makes any sense. :D

That is something new for me, reading the scriptures with purpose. I use to read just to read but I never made it very far without purpose. So If you're struggling with reading the scriptures, I challenge you to find your purpose, your inspiration... Is it to read the Book of Mormon in 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, just 10 minutes a day (TAD), or all the way through? Is it to build a stronger testimony? Do you want to set a good example for your kids? Do you feel you need to study a specific subject like me? Pray and listen to find your purpose! 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Scripture Journey

I know some will think or ask as to why I am publicly sharing my journey...because I feel inspired to. Hopefully it'll help someone in need! 

I was inspired, like so many others by Devin G. Durrant's talk, "My Heart Pondereth Them Continually" to ponder on one scripture a week and to share it with others. I plan to do this with Scripture Mastery because as a convert, I did not get the opportunity as a youth to master important scriptures. 

This week though, I sort of put my own twist on pondering scripture. I read a talk given by Rosemary M. Wixom at the General Women's Broadcast as it was already downloaded on my phone. Her talk, "Discovering the Divinity Within," is just what I needed this week. 

I love the sweet Spirit that I feel at General Conference every 6 months and wanted to keep it longer but was unsure how. Low and behold, I read her talk and decided to study divine nature. Why? When I read it, I didn't understand it... It seemed foggy to me. With being a counselor in the YW presidency for my short time before I was married, I knew I could use the Personal Progress book and learn the knowledge I needed to gain. 

Under Divine Nature, the first step is to read scripture, ponder, and ultimately plan how to use what you've learned. So last night I read, "The Family: A Proclamation to the World". Oh how I needed that! Being reminded that I needed to constantly and consistently practice faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities in order to raise my girls in love and righteousness, provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them 2 things: 1- how to love and serve others and 2- how to observe God's commandments and be law-abiding citizens. That's a huge deal and I want to do my best so I am grateful for the strong reminder. I also wasn't so foggy to the idea of divine nature, partly because I reread her talk and understood the following more clearly. 

The second scripture to read and ponder is 2 Peter 1. Attributes to practice are faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity. I noticed 2 things: 1- each attribute builds upon each other, much like line upon line and precept upon precept and 2- both list of attributes state you must begin with faith. Divinity will not come without faith. Thanks to Neill F. Marriott's talk, "Yeilding Our Hearts to God," I got a strong reminder that, "All will work out," which has strengthened my faith as it reminded me of something that I desperately needed, all is well and if not now, then will be well in time. I use to live by that as a youth, but have forgotten recently. 

Needless to say, I'm on a scripture journey, I'm challenging myself to focus on this topic this week and boy, has my knowledge grown. I already have plans on what I'll be reading and pondering tomorrow based on this talk and learning about my divine nature.

Remember, practice your faith and putting your trust in God. Build upon each attribute no matter where you are. Finally, challenge yourself with pondering the scriptures, however the Spirit guides you and don't forget to share your findings even if it's in a journal. 

With much love, 
Tamra :)

October 2015 General Conference

***If it's italicized, then I added it in after I originally published

I loved this session of conference... I love them all, but this weekend seemed to hit home! There was much said that I needed to hear and I always love the sweet Spirit that I feel during the weekend and within my home. The three things that stuck with me the most is: 1- "All is well", 2- Set aside money each week along with pondering one scripture each week, and 3- Practice self-control... as it will become stronger each time.

I need to remember that all is well. Growing up, no matter what happened, I had that attitude and that along with some other attributes, I was always asked by others if I was LDS. Lately, I've forgotten that all is well, and if it doesn't seem like it now, all will be well later. I must remember that always! 

The next is to set aside money each week... Not sure how we're going to do with that as we just had a new addition to the family and I've been home for 8 weeks, but I can try and that's what counts. 

Then, we should ponder scripture each week. I thought about pondering scripture mastery, but I read a talk Sunday night and I feel as if I should focus/ponder the subject. Sunday I read the talk and Monday I read "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" in regards to the talk and my interest. There are a few more scriptures to read for the subject but I already feel wiser. 

Finally, practice self-control means not giving in to temptations like spending money on stuff I don't need or eating food I don't really need. I'm sure I can add more, but I'm also sure that you get the idea. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Autumn!!! + More Updates

Welcome to fall!!!

I saw the graphic above on Facebook and died laughing but, I am still very excited! Fall is seriously my favorite time of year because of football, the changing of the leaves, the cooler weather, and then the family-filled, get some time off, holidays! 

Everyone is growing quickly!

Baby Girl has had some more problems eating, but she's hydrated and gaining weight so the doc is not too worried. She is already in 3 month clothing. She is weighing in at 11.7 and 22.5 inches long.

Little Miss is your typical 22 month old. I am constantly reminding myself that she is still 1. It's hard for me to remember most of the time because she is the oldest and the size of a 3-year-old. Not much has changed though she has more teeth coming in. My awesome sis bought her the cute dress and matching bow in the pic below. 

Josh has been busy working as usual but, he has been preparing for his Oral Board which was earlier in the week. Now, it's the waiting game to see where he ranks among the other applicants. Results will post next week. 

As for myself, I've been trying to stay calm and relaxed about everything. I'm nervous about returning to work, on top of taking care of a rambunctious toddler and colicky newborn... So needless to say that going out to see my mom and then a few days later going to Utah on a day trip was relaxing and got my mind off of nerve-wracking things. My trip to Utah had a great sign! I also got to use my new carrier and I LOVE it!!!!

My 6 week check up went well. My c-section incision healed up well. So I get to return to work on time. 

I feel like I had more to add, but I don't remember and that's okay because it's nearly 2am and I haven't slept yet... And tomorrow comes early because General Conference is at 9am. Plus, I have an early-rising toddler so every morning comes early. :D

I'll update more later!