Thursday, May 28, 2015


I figured I better update my blog a little bit more so I can remember stuff.

This month has flown by. Josh and I have been busy with work. For me it feels insane because it is the end of the school year.

Baby Girl has been super sweet. She takes very good care of her babies: burping them, carrying them, kissing them, pushing them in her stroller, etc. She had a new tooth come through this week.

We went to St. George over Memorial Day Weekend. We went to the Children's Museum, which is totally awesome. There were shopping carts her size which she absolutely loved. We rode the carousel, which Baby Girl ended up not wanting to ride. We stopped at my parents house and just relaxed.

Anyway, my hubby is kicking me off because I need to get to work on my stuff for school. Until next time! :)

Family Home Evening: Week 2

Whoops... we missed a week.

We had a lot going on that week... :(


We did it the following week, even though we were busy.

It was very short and sweet.

We went to the temple grounds and talked to our daughter about how special it was. I don't know if she really understood it, but we still decided to talk to her about the temple.

She really loved looking at the the water fountain and Angel Moroni on top of the temple.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


Honestly, I don't remember most of March and April. 

Josh's schedule changed at work mid-March and has been a huge blessing for our family. 

I've just been busy at school as usual. 

Baby Girl has been growing as usual. 

That being said, here are some photos....

We've celebrated Easter, Spring Break, going to the Clark County Fair and Rodeo, and a little bit of rain. We've had some fun. 

We also found out if we're having a boy or a girl... You'll just have to wait and see! 

Do It All

Have you ever heard of the phrase: know it all? Well I'm adapting that phrase to do it all. 

Before I had Baby Girl, I was able to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. I'd have most of my chores done by  noon if not sooner. 

Now it takes me most of the day. I love my Baby Girl and I wouldn't change this life for anything in this world. She is a goofball and my everything. 

Despite being busy with my munchin, I did get quite a bit done today and it's only 5:30.

I went grocery shopping, washed dishes and laundry, cut up fruit, made lunches, got myself ready, went to a friend's sealing, went to the library, made dinner, and washed more dishes. 

It was a beautiful day at the temple and a great day for a sealing! 

I've got awesome blessings all around me and I can't let feelings of inadequacy get me down because I'm doing the best I can and I have to remember that I am enough! :) If you haven't figured it out that'll be my mantra for a while. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Family Home Evening: Week 1

That's embarrassing... Family Home Evening: Week 1... and we've been married almost two and a half years and our daughter is almost a year and a half old. 

We've done Family Home Evenings before, just not consistently. 

Well, being a member of the primary presidency is changing that. Week after week, house visit after house visit, we are always mentioning gospel basics like Family Home Evening and here I am, a leader, not doing it. 

After prayer and modern scripture study, I was going to do Family Home Evening and our lesson was about why Family Home Evening was important. I used several articles from the April 2015 Ensign and we made a plan. As silly as the lesson may sound, it was exactly what our family needed. 
If you can see from my plan, it was short and sweet. It wasn't perfect, but it worked for us. We have some ideas for activities that we can do as a family in the future that I'm sure we'll adapt/change as Baby Girl gets older. 

If you're like us, try just meeting to discuss the importance of Family Home Evening, set a date every week, create a list of possible activities, and if your family is big enough, set a rotating schedule of who teaches the lesson. 

I will try to get back with you weekly and let you know how Family Home Evening goes. :)

Happy Friday! 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I am

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing was going right and you just felt like nothing you did would be enough?

Yeah... Well, I think I have felt like that for a month or longer depending on the area of my life. 

Yesterday morning, I had a revelation. I am enough.

I have been so overwhelmed with all my callings in life that I feel as though I was stretched too thin and unable to be good at any of them.

I am a teacher, a mom, a wife, a daughter, a primary presidency member, a friend... And if I took the time, my list could go on. 

Teaching is so important to me. These kids spend 6+ hours with me to get an education, but I think that as part of the village, my job is to help them become amazing people and they are just that. They are amazing people. I am so proud of my kiddos that I see 180 days of the year! 

As a mom, I am told it is the most important calling in life. To be able to raise your child to be the best person that he/she can be. To do that, you need to be there and be involved. I feel as I fail this all the time, but I am so glad that our family has the love and support from our personal families and our ward family.

Being a wife is also important because we need to be a family unit. I know that when the kids are grown and gone, it'll be me and him again. We have to learn to love each other, know each other, grow together, and all the other things in our marriage and relationship that make being together so worthwhile. I love my amazing husband for all he is all that he does, even the irritating parts. And I am sure the feeling is mutual.

I am a daughter. I live about 1.5 hours away from home. I should be out there more. Life is just so busy and with a kid, you can never schedule in sickness so life has become go with the flow so I am thankful for technology to at least talk to my mom! 

Being a part of the Primary Presidency is huge. I feel so overwhelmed all the time. I was called in December as first counselor and I have been rolling on the ball ever since. I do my best most of the time... At least I hope. I feel like I am now past the initial learning stages and I need to dive into it all so much more. It's important too because it's our job to teach and to help the teachers and leaders that we guide so the children are learning about the gospel. 

I feel like I am a crummy friend... I literally have to schedule in time with my friends because if I do not my life listed above takes it first. I'm lucky if I get to hang out with a  friend once a month... And I have so many good friendships over the years that I have made and want to make sure I keep open because God has blessed me with some amazing friends in this life. 

After reading this you may understand why I felt so frazzled and stretched thin. Every job I have in life is important. Every job I have has an influencing role whether it's helping/being with my family, educating the young minds in multiple settings, or just being a decent person and friend. 

I am trying. I'm not perfect, but I am enough. As long as I do not stop trying to better myself, then I am sure I will always be enough. :)