The Craythorn four is now the Craythorn five. We had baby #3 this month. She is healthy and calm and beautiful. I hope it stays that way!
It's humorous, each day we are slowly getting better. Mornings are not our family's strong suit. We have been eating a late breakfast every day since coming home from the hospital but it does get to be a little bit earlier each day.
I'm surprised by how well my recovery seems to be going thus far. I'm exhausted and napping a lot, but I think as a "new" mom that it is totally understandable.
That being said, I've decided to restart the Plexus regimen again, especially with all the health issues I've endured recently. I didn't do it while I was pregnant, the die off symptoms were too much to handle.
I am using the Slim xos for now as I recover. I went one day without it as mornings are hectic and I had a doctor's appointment to get to on time. I could tell the difference in food cravings and bloating. My feet are still swollen, but not as bad as the day I went without it. And my cravings were out the window crazy, ridiculous. I mean I scarf everything down right now, but I wanted anything and everything under the sun.
I've got to get some sleep as it's late and baby is asleep.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Sunday, July 16, 2017
FHE Lesson: Humility
Clearly, I am not perfect. FHE has basically fallen on me and being overwhelmed to the point where I ignored everything and everyone was not beneficial to getting our FHE routine in gear for the summer. But, each Monday is a new week to try again because it is something we have been instructed to do to strengthen our families.
Most of my ideas came from these two sites.
Play Eat Grow and Family Home Evening Manual
Most of my ideas came from these two sites.
Play Eat Grow and Family Home Evening Manual
Song: Be Thou Humble (HB 130)
Scripture: D&C 12:8
Lesson: Tell/discuss with the children what humility is and what humility is not (see FHE manual linked above). Then we will watch The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. I watched several videos and I like this one best for our family. I thought we could discuss what each man focuses on.
The Pharisee: Many I's, no acknowledgement to God, no acknowledgement to others for help, feels perfect or better than others, would he be willing to serve others?
The Tax Collector: 1 I, acknowledges God, asked for need (repentance), not perfect, would he be willing to serve others?
As needed, I will talk about what is humility and what it is not and tie it into the 2 men.
The Pharisee: Many I's, no acknowledgement to God, no acknowledgement to others for help, feels perfect or better than others, would he be willing to serve others?
The Tax Collector: 1 I, acknowledges God, asked for need (repentance), not perfect, would he be willing to serve others?
As needed, I will talk about what is humility and what it is not and tie it into the 2 men.
Activity: Blessings in a box
The idea for "Blessings in a Box" came from Pray, Eat, Grow linked above.
You will need two boxes. 1 neatly wrapped, looking "perfect". 1 box tattered and worn (holes/or one large hole I should say will be needed).
You will need some jelly beans or other similar item.
We place the perfect box in a container and pour "blessings" onto it and realize that we do not receive blessings if we already think we are perfect.
We place the the imperfect box in a container and pour "blessings" onto it and see that because of being broken, we are able to receive blessings.
Of course, discuss how this relates to us and how we treat other, ourselves, and our relationship with our Heavenly Father (maybe a little deep for 3 & 1).
You will need two boxes. 1 neatly wrapped, looking "perfect". 1 box tattered and worn (holes/or one large hole I should say will be needed).
You will need some jelly beans or other similar item.
We place the perfect box in a container and pour "blessings" onto it and realize that we do not receive blessings if we already think we are perfect.
We place the the imperfect box in a container and pour "blessings" onto it and see that because of being broken, we are able to receive blessings.
Of course, discuss how this relates to us and how we treat other, ourselves, and our relationship with our Heavenly Father (maybe a little deep for 3 & 1).
Closing Prayer: Oldest DD
Treat: "Humble" pie :) I will most likely use oatmeal pies unless I actually feel like making a pie.
Sunday, June 11, 2017
FHE: Obedience (Toddler Edition)
Reflection: This FHE lesson turned out pretty well for our first one. The kiddos enjoyed the Treasure Hunt and the video with the lesson. Our oldest was telling grandma all about it this morning while I was getting a cavity filled.
Background: I am a convert. My first experience with FHE was with the Young Single Adult ward I was in which was fun, but not as lesson-oriented as most FHE's. We did a few after my husband and I got married with his whole family and a few on our own. We really have not done a lot of them and with our schedules it was very difficult so we didn't do it. Now, Josh's schedule aligns with my schedule and it is important so we are giving this another go. Any advise, I would love along the way!!!
Background: I am a convert. My first experience with FHE was with the Young Single Adult ward I was in which was fun, but not as lesson-oriented as most FHE's. We did a few after my husband and I got married with his whole family and a few on our own. We really have not done a lot of them and with our schedules it was very difficult so we didn't do it. Now, Josh's schedule aligns with my schedule and it is important so we are giving this another go. Any advise, I would love along the way!!!
Opening Prayer: Dad
Scripture: John 14:15 or Exodus 20:12
Lesson: Tell the children what to watch for in the video. Watch The Sting of the Scorpion (my first thought was to watch Obedience Brings Blessings, but the other video is shorter which will hopefully keep their attention and not lose it.) Ask the following questions during and/or after the video.
- What happened to the boy(s)?
- What did the boy(s) know he(they) should not have done?
- Who told the boy he should protect his feet (not use matches)?
- What has the boy learned to do? Why?
- Have you made similar choices to this boy?
- What can you do to start making good choices? How can I support you?
Activity: Treasure Hunt/Coloring Page
The idea for the treasure hunt and most of the FHE lesson came from here
Treasure Hunt Clues found here.
Coloring Page found here.
Closing Prayer: Oldest DD
Treat: Popsicle (possibly tie into treasure hunt)
School's Out For Summer!
That tune was singing in my head as I said goodbye to work. I always struggle with what to do for the first few weeks once school is out. Now that my little babies are getting older, it is time to focus on a summer schedule for them. In fact, I was inspired by a schedule done by Once Upon A Xanax blogger, Tiffany because I really enjoyed hers. I tweaked it to make it apply to my family. Click here to print.
I also found chore charts I like from this blog here that I have printed off to use for my 2 girls.
If we do not go to Idaho, I have our week planned out: library/park 2 times, swimming 1 time, local orchard 1 time, and a father's day craftivity 1 time. This planning takes too much time seriously, but hopefully it will get better as the summer rolls on. I also have a Family Home Evening that I am planning for Monday evening and getting our house in order. I may be doing too much, but let's see how it goes!

If we do not go to Idaho, I have our week planned out: library/park 2 times, swimming 1 time, local orchard 1 time, and a father's day craftivity 1 time. This planning takes too much time seriously, but hopefully it will get better as the summer rolls on. I also have a Family Home Evening that I am planning for Monday evening and getting our house in order. I may be doing too much, but let's see how it goes!
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Political Lesson
With elections happening in Nevada over the next week, I decided it was the perfect time to use this particular Time For Kids.
To build some background, we talked about democracy and with voting, I also talked about a caucus. Some of them knew a few of the candidates, but most had no idea. So much of today's lesson was being introduced to democracy and civics, building relevant background, and previewing the text.
Every year I try to strive for at least one lesson that focuses on how our government works and how we play an important role.
As I was thinking about its relevance, I remembered a few key moments so far in my life that has molded my civic educational standards.
1. My senior year in high school I took government... my teacher always told me to "not sit on the fence" with my decisions. Growing up, I understood many viewpoints and had a hard time deciding one over the other. As I've gotten older, started a family, and seen society change, I understand what he was talking about. True change nor full understanding comes from just sitting on the fence.
2. Also my senior year in high school, I was at home watching the election being tallied starting with the east coast moving west when probably the most profound moment occurred in my life regarding my civic duty. I don't remember most of the details but I do remember a state in the Midwest voted their congressman, who happened to be I believe the minority leader, out of office. It was huge because, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada became the minority leader then. I turned and asked my parents, "Why would a state want to lose that kind of congressional power? Why not keep him?" My dad said a powerful thing, "If the man doesn't vote and make decisions the way the people of his state want him to than why would they keep him? You are elected by the people and should make decisions based on what the people of your state want." It was amazing to me that people would vote to do that and why wouldn't the congressman just change the way he voted based on the people he represents?
Which brings me to the part that's going to bring the "haters". That thought made me think of Hilary. I watched video evidence about her political stances from years ago vs today. This video which I found on Facebook and shared on my page showed how very conservative her views were years ago and how very liberal she is today. If we want someone who is willing to do what the majority wants than she would be it. The problem: she has denied ever believing in those conservative values and has accused people of twisting her words. Being dishonest and lying is something I don't believe in or agree with. Because of that, it makes me sad she is a candidate and a real possible contender for the election in November.
But, going back to my words in bold, you are elected by the people... I think too many people have forgotten that. When I read the statistic that an estimated 93 million Americans did not vote in the 2012 elections, it scares me. Where are you, the 93 million Americans that did not vote? Did you know it's your civic duty? Did you know that men and women have protested and died for us all to vote? Did you know it's the one time we can make our voice loud and clear, that we agree with you or we disagree with you? People of political stance who barely win tend to change their standing ground, if even for a short while. Too many people, in office or not, have forgotten that most officials are elected by the people for the people. That's the great thing about being a democracy! Spread the importance.
3. Be aware. Sometimes laws and bills are written in a complex manner. I remember years ago voting on the law about eminent domain. It made no sense to me whatsoever but because of personal reasons, I kept researching and clarifying until I understood exactly what it meant. I literally spent hours trying to figure it out. I even called my mom trying to talk through the law with someone else. The majority of people voted for eminent domain to be in place here in Nevada. Several years later, the people were trying to repeal the law. As we teach kids at school, for years as I remember being told as a kid too, sometimes the people who give you a test will try to trick you. Kids are expected to find a way to clarify and understand. As adults, the same thing happens when we come across content we are not easily exposed to such as politics. As a coping mechanism, just like some kids, we either skip the question, choose an answer to just move on to something easier that we better understand and can feel confident about, or we work until we figure it out the problem. Just like in school, some concepts are easier than others. It just depends on each individual. I think it's why or at least a partial reason why perseverance is being taught through Common Core. It is expected for a functioning society, at least one of the many things to help our society function.
Finally since I'm on this high horse...
4. We need to be able to debate. I have several friends who have "deleted" me from their lives because of my political stance. I miss the days where I could sit down and have an honest conversation without anyone getting upset about certain political stances. The only people who remain friends with me are those who have similar viewpoints. That saddens me because I love hearing all sides whether I agree or disagree. That is actually a constant battle in my classroom this year, being able to civilly disagree with other classmates and knowing that if we are respectful that it'll be okay. I try my hardest, I know parents try their hardest, but sometimes it's changes that need to happen everywhere including in public/ in society. Not everyone agrees on everything and that should be okay. It's not okay once it becomes disrespectful, and I feel that is what's happening today in society.
So off my high horse I go and into bed, except my oldest woke up. :)
Saturday, February 6, 2016
5 Months
Man, oh man, am I behind!
So my baby turned 5 months old last month. It's uncanny how much her and her sister look alike at the same age. She is growing up way too fast. I feel like it's going by much to quickly!
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Be Real!
So I'm still laying in bed, reading scriptures & the Ensign, and I read the article "By Small and Simple Blogs". This was in it.
Be real. There is no need to pretend your life is perfect.
That is me in a nutshell! I make my life seem "perfect" to the outside because I don't want people to worry or to think Ill of me or my choices. I must say, when I see people who are brave enough to be real, I can totally relate.
My trial right now is just stress. I feel stress in every aspect of my life. I feel stress at work because people are not getting along and there is much to get done. The list very rarely shortens. I feel stress at home because my house is a mess, I've got a newborn and a toddler, and between our schedules I rarely see my husband. Then on top of that, I'm a secretary for the primary in our ward. There is always much to do!
But I've been blessed too. As far as work, I feel like I've been blessed to know what to say and when to say it to help with the contention we all feel. I also pray for my sanity and that somehow it all gets done. It does and it's good!
As far as home, I suck at it because I'm focused so much on work but I'm trying. I need to do better. I will get there. I'm grateful for children who love unconditionally and are forgiving. I'm grateful for a husband who is able to do much of the motherly calling when I am not.
Church stuff, I'm blessed to see the children. They are so smart and strong in the church. We did some visits this week and it seriously changed my mood! The women I work with are truly extraordinary.
Be real, I wish I could be funny about it but I'm just too serious... But it's how I've always been even before my pre-mortal existence. So I just work it!
So if you struggle being real, what can you do to be real today?
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