Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Craythorn Five

The Craythorn four is now the Craythorn five. We had baby #3 this month. She is healthy and calm and beautiful. I hope it stays that way!

It's humorous, each day we are slowly getting better. Mornings are not our family's strong suit. We have been eating a late breakfast every day since coming home from the hospital but it does get to be a little bit earlier each day.

I'm surprised by how well my recovery seems to be going thus far. I'm exhausted and napping a lot, but I think as a "new" mom that it is totally understandable.

That being said, I've decided to restart the Plexus regimen again, especially with all the health issues I've endured recently. I didn't do it while I was pregnant, the die off symptoms were too much to handle.

I am using the Slim xos for now as I recover. I went one day without it as mornings are hectic and I had a doctor's appointment to get to on time. I could tell the difference in food cravings and bloating. My feet are still swollen, but not as bad as the day I went without it. And my cravings were out the window crazy, ridiculous. I mean I scarf everything down right now, but I wanted anything and everything under the sun.

I've got to get some sleep as it's late and baby is asleep.

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