Saturday, January 30, 2016

Be Real!

So I'm still laying in bed, reading scriptures & the Ensign, and I read the article "By Small and Simple Blogs". This was in it.

Be real. There is no need to pretend your life is perfect.

That is me in a nutshell! I make my life seem "perfect" to the outside because I don't want people to worry or to think Ill of me or my choices. I must say, when I see people who are brave enough to be real, I can totally relate. 

My trial right now is just stress. I feel stress in every aspect of my life. I feel stress at work because people are not getting along and there is much to get done. The list very rarely shortens. I feel stress at home because my house is a mess, I've got a newborn and a toddler, and between our schedules I rarely see my husband. Then on top of that, I'm a secretary for the primary in our ward. There is always much to do! 

But I've been blessed too. As far as work, I feel like I've been blessed to know what to say and when to say it to help with the contention we all feel. I also pray for my sanity and that somehow it all gets done. It does and it's good!

As far as home, I suck at it because I'm focused so much on work but I'm trying. I need to do better. I will get there. I'm grateful for children who love unconditionally and are forgiving. I'm grateful for a husband who is able to do much of the motherly calling when I am not. 

Church stuff, I'm blessed to see the children. They are so smart and strong in the church. We did some visits this week and it seriously changed my mood! The women I work with are truly extraordinary. 

Be real, I wish I could be funny about it but I'm just too serious... But it's how I've always been even before my pre-mortal existence. So I just work it! 

So if you struggle being real, what can you do to be real today? 

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