Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mary Jane Falls

I should have wrote this earlier, but oh well... I am getting to it now.

So I went hiking last weekend up in Mt. Charleston. It was much warmer than expected. Of course I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt... I was wishing I was wearing shorts and a tank.

Parking was a pain... and I get nervous in my car with tight spaces. I was freaking out just a little, but with a little help I found a spot and was able to park.

Linda, me, and Estee
We started hiking and our large group was then separated into small groups. There were tons of people on the trail. The small group I was in stopped several times, but that was fine by me! There were zig zags to the trail which reminded me of Angels Landing in Zion. It was a nice hike.

Group Picture

Mary Jane Falls

We made it to the top and WOO-HOO! It was fun to play in the water. I totally missed the group picture because I wanted to run around the water for a while. The ice-cold water felt so amazing!The hike down was so much easier! I was making jokes about jogging the end. Towards the end, I spotted a lizard with a bright blue tail. It was pretty amazing to see. Once the hike was over with, we went to the Cabin and had an awesome lunch! The drive back to town was not so a/c decided to not work for that drive. Feeling the heat with the drop in elevation... :(

Playing next to the snow!

Overall, it was so much fun! I got to spend some time with some friends I have not got to spend time with in a while.

Oh, and my 24th birthday is in 24 days! I seriously can not believe how quickly the last few years have flown by. I can remember the last 4 Fourth of July's and I can remember the last few birthdays. I keep wondering if this year, July is going to be low-key or just as memorable as the last few. I'll soon find out! :)

Have a happy and safe 4th!!!! :)

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