Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

... was amazing!

I stayed in Vegas and celebrated the day with my roommates and some friends.

Me, Kim, Sarah, Cindy, Jasmine

I spent most of the day cooking and baking. I made my mom's potato salad, deviled eggs, and some very delicious banana bread. I also helped Kim make snicker salad. Surprisingly, snicker salad is good.
Most of the food to the side...

Later Sarah and I grilled for the very first time! We had a bucket of water on standby just in case we messed things up! We were a little scared at first, but all was well. Our food turned out pretty amazing. :) We grilled hot dogs (my fav), BBQ chicken, and smoked hamburgers.

Grillin' :)
Sarah grillin' :)

The weather was spectacular! We sat outside to eat. We were in the shade and there was just a slight breeze. BEAUTIFUL is all I can say.

Yummy food and camping chairs!
We played some Jungle Uno, had dessert, and listened to the neighbor kids light off fireworks. It was such an amazing day. :)

I hope everyone had an amazing and safe 4th!

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