Sunday, June 5, 2011

Amazing Sunday!

Church was so amazing today that I had to not only write about it, but share it. It was testimony Sunday and the things people shared was so amazing!

I do have to give my back story before I talk about the testimonies people shared...

It is Sunday morning and I am up around 6:30 am. That's early for me, but usual this past week. Anyway since I was up that early, I was pondering about my day, about what I wanted to do, what I could possibly accomplish. I checked emails and then I started reading. I was so enthralled in this book that I did not want to put it down. A short time later, I decided to put the book down and get ready for church. I was so unmotivated... I seriously had no desire to go! As I sat thinking, I decided that I should go even though I could think of several other things I wanted to do.

So I get to church and people start sharing their testimonies. The first person up is a friend of mine. She has had health problems for years and it still continues today. I don't remember every word said, but I was so moved. The struggles she goes through every single day and she didn't mention a single thing about it specifically. I was in awe. The next person to share was new to the area and he happened to show up here. The first person he saw was Tongan just as he was and when he sat in church and heard the first person who gave their testimony sing, he felt like he was in the right place. He shared his story and the strength of his testimony was just amazing to me to. Person after person that went up, just the stories shared was beautiful and amazing.

About three quarters into it, some one I look up to bore her testimony. She was talking about difficult times in our life and with time the peace that Heavenly Father brings. At first I thought she may have been talking about a break-up with her boyfriend (she was sitting with her girl-friends, so I made a quick assumption). As she kept talking though, I realized she was talking about a recent tragedy with her brother. With that realization, my heart began to race.

Others began to share, I was working on getting my heart to stop racing. Most of the time it works... this time though, my heart was pounding faster and harder to the point where it seriously felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. At that point, It was difficult on me to focus on the speaker. I barely heard anything she said and I swear I was beginning to get tunnel vision. I didn't know what I was going to say, but I knew I could not deny that prompting any longer.

I was the last to share my testimony today. My heart was racing so hard I had difficulty listening to my own thoughts. I was shaking with so much intensity, I am surprised I didn't sound worse than I did. Afterwards, several people thanked me for sharing and that it was good.

I always think about something I would like to share whenever there is a testimony Sunday. I never share because even though I have been told I have a great testimony and I should share it whenever and wherever, I hear other's give theirs and I feel like mine is so inadequate. I feel like others can gain more by me just sitting back and letting other's speak. Among that, I am not a crier. I may get teary-eyed when something hits me just right, but I don't cry. Please don't misunderstand me, I am a compassionate person and many things move me to feel awe and amazement. I am just not a crier. I am also not a joker... I am a fun person to be around, but I do not crack jokes. I just tell things how they are and what I think in my heart and in my mind. People who share their testimonies usually cry at some point or crack a joke, that is why I mentioned it.

Ultimately, I just want to say thank-you to those who shared today. It renewed my spirit and got me to share my testimony.

I hope every one is have a great, amazing, blessed Sunday!


  1. How long have you been going to the LDS church? Did you get baptized? I shared my testimony today too! I have no idea what I said and don't think anybody else remembers either. I had Max on my hip and they all stared at him and said how cute he was! One of the many things having a baby is good for!

  2. Tamra. .DONT EVER think your testimony is ever inadquete.. its YOURS and only yours. thats what makes it special. :) and even more so that you are a recent convert :) each person has different trials in life and we learned from them and thats how we base most of our testimonies is on our own experinces and feelings thru those experinces. I love you. :)

  3. Sorry it took so long to write on here! @ Kenzie, I have been going for a little over a year now. I was baptized mid-September last year. I'll keep that in mind for the future! :) @ Aubrie, Ahh! Thanks Girl! Love you too!
