Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Weekend

This past weekend was a fun-filled weekend!

Friday, I subbed for one of my favorite classes. The teacher was so awesome and got me a gift! She didn't even need to. It was so sweet! That evening I went to an Area 51 baseball game. I bunch of us from work went. There we several highlights from the evening: 1, a coworker jumped over 3 rows of bleachers trying to catch a foul ball; 2, some guy broke his bat while hitting the ball; 3, the 51's had 6 HR in one inning. The ultimate highlight of the evening was the firework show. It was spectacular!

Saturday after work I went to "It's a Gas" Exhibit. It is an exhibit about chemistry basically. There were tons on neon signs. I had to wear my new stellar sunglasses! :D After that I went to a friend's house for a BBQ. They know how to throw a BBQ. Tons of hamburgers, sausages, chicken, chips, fruit, and I don't even remember what else. The ladies chatted about school and life while the guys watched the fight (MMA?).

Sunday was a very chill day, literally and figuratively. I wore my long, hippie skirt to church that I don't necessarily like because it was cold and windy.

Monday, I drove into Mesquite and spent the day with my mom and Clark. I went to the cemetery and honored some veterans that have died. After that we moved some furniture over to the house. We had a small BBQ that evening, steak, beans, and potato salad! My mom made me try a really great dessert. It sounds a little weird, but it is so yummy. It is strawberries dipped in sour cream and rolled in brown sugar. Don't knock it until you try it! After that I came back to Vegas, went to a pool party and mingled. It was nice to finally get home and talk to my roommates who were gone all weekend. :)

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