Sunday, July 16, 2017

FHE Lesson: Humility

Clearly, I am not perfect. FHE has basically fallen on me and being overwhelmed to the point where I ignored everything and everyone was not beneficial to getting our FHE routine in gear for the summer. But, each Monday is a new week to try again because it is something we have been instructed to do to strengthen our families.

Most of my ideas came from these two sites.
Play Eat Grow and Family Home Evening Manual

Opening Prayer: Dad

Scripture: D&C 12:8

Lesson: Tell/discuss with the children what humility is and what humility is not (see FHE manual linked above). Then we will watch The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. I watched several videos and I like this one best for our family. I thought we could discuss what each man focuses on.
The Pharisee: Many I's, no acknowledgement to God, no acknowledgement to others for help, feels perfect or better than others, would he be willing to serve others?
The Tax Collector: 1 I, acknowledges God, asked for need (repentance), not perfect, would he be willing to serve others?
As needed, I will talk about what is humility and what it is not and tie it into the 2 men.

Activity: Blessings in a box 
The idea for "Blessings in a Box" came from Pray, Eat, Grow linked above.

You will need two boxes. 1 neatly wrapped, looking "perfect". 1 box tattered and worn (holes/or one large hole I should say will be needed).
You will need some jelly beans or other similar item.

We place the perfect box in a container and pour "blessings" onto it and realize that we do not receive blessings if we already think we are perfect.

We place the the imperfect box in a container and pour "blessings" onto it and see that because of being broken, we are able to receive blessings.

Of course, discuss how this relates to us and how we treat other, ourselves, and our relationship with our Heavenly Father (maybe a little deep for 3 & 1).

Closing Prayer: Oldest DD

Treat: "Humble" pie :) I will most likely use oatmeal pies unless I actually feel like making a pie. 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

FHE: Obedience (Toddler Edition)

Reflection: This FHE lesson turned out pretty well for our first one. The kiddos enjoyed the Treasure Hunt and the video with the lesson. Our oldest was telling grandma all about it this morning while I was getting a cavity filled.

Background: I am a convert. My first experience with FHE was with the Young Single Adult ward I was in which was fun, but not as lesson-oriented as most FHE's. We did a few after my husband and I got married with his whole family and a few on our own. We really have not done a lot of them and with our schedules it was very difficult so we didn't do it. Now, Josh's schedule aligns with my schedule and it is important so we are giving this another go. Any advise, I would love along the way!!!

Opening Prayer: Dad

Scripture: John 14:15 or Exodus 20:12

Lesson: Tell the children what to watch for in the video. Watch The Sting of the Scorpion (my first thought was to watch Obedience Brings Blessings, but the other video is shorter which will hopefully keep their attention and not lose it.) Ask the following questions during and/or after the video.
  • What happened to the boy(s)?
  • What did the boy(s) know he(they) should not have done?
  • Who told the boy he should protect his feet (not use matches)?
  • What has the boy learned to do? Why?
  • Have you made similar choices to this boy?
  • What can you do to start making good choices? How can I support you? 
Activity: Treasure Hunt/Coloring Page 
The idea for the treasure hunt and most of the FHE lesson came from here

Treasure Hunt Clues found here.
Coloring Page found here.

Closing Prayer: Oldest DD

Treat: Popsicle (possibly tie into treasure hunt)

School's Out For Summer!

That tune was singing in my head as I said goodbye to work. I always struggle with what to do for the first few weeks once school is out. Now that my little babies are getting older, it is time to focus on a summer schedule for them. In fact, I was inspired by a schedule done by Once Upon A Xanax blogger, Tiffany because I really enjoyed hers. I tweaked it to make it apply to my family. Click here to print.
I also found chore charts I like from this blog here that I have printed off to use for my 2 girls.

If we do not go to Idaho, I have our week planned out: library/park 2 times, swimming 1 time, local orchard 1 time, and a father's day craftivity 1 time. This planning takes too much time seriously, but hopefully it will get better as the summer rolls on. I also have a Family Home Evening that I am planning for Monday evening and getting our house in order. I may be doing too much, but let's see how it goes!