Saturday, June 9, 2012


Is out for summer!

I am actually quite sad about this, but I have plans. :)
  • I am going to make my Christmas cards this summer.
  • I will work on some much needed scrapbook pages (haven't touched it in years!)
  • I will do some indexing (which is reading old documents that have been scanned and typing them into computer format)
  • I plan on going to some national parks this summer since I bought a year long pass over spring break.
  • I plan on working out every day (minus Sundays) starting Monday.
  • I plan on helping out with friends and their babies!
  • I plan to find time to volunteer at a food bank or the like.
Who knows... this summer may hold expected and unexpected items and my plans above could change in a heartbeat. :)

AND the exciting news that I forgot to share about 8 weeks ago...
I will be teaching second grade next school year! :)

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