Sunday, May 13, 2012

SLC Vacation

So as I said before, we spent time in Salt Lake City. It was a quick trip, less than 48 hours. Even with that, it was one of the best vacations I have had in a while.

I'm driving and this car is about to hit me... he thought it would be funny to snap a picture so he is all smiles while I am freaking out!

Some of the beautiful tulips. :)

A tilted SLC temple... but I love the color, the flag... I just love it.

On top of the conference center.

On top of the conference center... facing west side of Utah.

More beautiful tulips.

I read this and loved it.

The Carlton Hotel. Awesome service!
Like I said yesterday, it was a very spiritual/personal experience.  These photos do not even begin to describe the time we had and enjoyed while up there. I wish you were there because it was truly amazing!

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