Sunday, April 14, 2013

April Pt. 1

So here is to me trying to update my blog more often...

Josh is still busy with work. He is no longer the "rookie", he is now considered the "FNG"... something so not appropriate. His steady schedule is up to bid... I don't fully understand, I guess work politics, but there is a possibility his schedule will no longer be steady. Oh, and he broke his pinky toe on the weight set (very tiny) in our apartment on the way to the bathroom the other morning. :/

I am still busy with work, but it will be winding down soon. Since the end of the school year is upon us, I will be busy in my classroom the next few weekends making sure all is well. I am one of the cheer coaches this year again. We have played two games this year. Our girls have done so well. I am so very proud of all their hard work. My second graders are showing maturity and beginning to act like 3rd graders. I am certainly going to miss them at the end of the year. I have a busy few weeks with classes, parent conferences, basketball games, and the like.

Married Life....
Is great! Our apartment is a mess... lol... still... we are considering moving. We love where we are living, but it is very crowded. We made stuffed bell peppers for the first time last week. They were very good! We were able to watch General Conference for the first time together. It was very nice!

I think that is all I have to share...

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