Saturday, July 14, 2012

The 4th: 2012

The 4th was really awesome! I joined my boo's family in town. We had a lot of fun... good food, good company, good entertainment. I could not ask for anything more!

Butt Print Game- Step 1: Sit in Water

Butt Print Game- Step 2: Sit on dry area

Butt Print Game- Step 3: Stand up and look at your butt print. :)
Needless to say, the adults did not play.

The women and girls watching the show. (FYI: The blanket is covering the baby from the smoke.)

The boys with their toys (Josh is behind the camera)

Em could not stand the noise, while Ev could not stand the smell...
This picture oddly reminds me off hear no, speak no, and see no evil (baby covered). LOL :)

The box firework show :)

Big Shot!

Flying High!

Josh & I at the end of the night

Josh & baby A

Me & baby A

Random family... but I love the moon shot!

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