Thursday, July 26, 2012

25th Birthday

So last year I ended up working all day (two jobs) for my birthday. I said I would not work this year, on my 25th birthday. Read here.


Guess what I am doing?

I am working. At least I get to go out tonight though! And I am already dressed up for the night! :)

More details will follow about tonight!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The 4th: 2012

The 4th was really awesome! I joined my boo's family in town. We had a lot of fun... good food, good company, good entertainment. I could not ask for anything more!

Butt Print Game- Step 1: Sit in Water

Butt Print Game- Step 2: Sit on dry area

Butt Print Game- Step 3: Stand up and look at your butt print. :)
Needless to say, the adults did not play.

The women and girls watching the show. (FYI: The blanket is covering the baby from the smoke.)

The boys with their toys (Josh is behind the camera)

Em could not stand the noise, while Ev could not stand the smell...
This picture oddly reminds me off hear no, speak no, and see no evil (baby covered). LOL :)

The box firework show :)

Big Shot!

Flying High!

Josh & I at the end of the night

Josh & baby A

Me & baby A

Random family... but I love the moon shot!

Wow! My Life Seems...

So BORING compared to others when I read their blogs!

How am I doing so far with my summer goals???

Well My list was to:
  • I am going to make my Christmas cards this summer.
  • I will work on some much needed scrapbook pages (haven't touched it in years!)
  • I will do some indexing (which is reading old documents that have been scanned and typing them into computer format)
  • I plan on going to some national parks this summer since I bought a year long pass over spring break.
  • I plan on working out every day (minus Sundays) starting Monday.
  • I plan on helping out with friends and their babies!
  • I plan to find time to volunteer at a food bank or the like.

  • Christmas cards are done!
  • Have not touched my scrapbooking yet... :/
  • I have indexed... just not a lot since June.
  • I have not even been out of town really except to get my hair done and visit my mom.
  • I did well with working out daily for a little over two weeks. I am really enjoying the *clean* outdoor pool to do laps in! That is not really possible with the lightning lately (but I love the change in weather!).
  • I have helped a little but not really with my friends and their babies.
  • I have not volunteered anywhere yet.

  • Where is my summer going?!?
    Oh, I know... Hanging out with my boo and taking some time to relax.

    Josh & I at a 51's Game!

    Cosmic Bowling Scores... Round two was crazy close. I was in the lead as you can see... by frame 8 & 9 we were tied and then he took the lead in frame 10.

    I'll put 4th of July photos up in another post. :)