Sunday, October 30, 2011

Things I have discovered this week...

Or maybe I have always known but it was more prominent this week.
  1. My time management skills suck (but slowly getting better)
  2. I will probably need a new journal by Christmas (hint hint)
  3. I miss having a male friend to talk to frequently
  4. Flying into Vegas the week between Christmas and New Years Eve is crazy expensive!
  5. Kids get very disappointed when you do not have a Halloween party in your classroom.
  6. Teachers are poor.
  7. A house in Lake Las Vegas is something that two teachers could possibly afford.
  8. Remember to write things down in the planner.. that is what they were made for.
  9. Too many people have their birthday at the same time!
  10. A denim jacket suits my personality now more than it did 3 years ago.
Yes these are random thoughts, but they are thoughts that have scoured my mind for the last week or so.

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