Saturday, August 18, 2012

25th Birthday... Officially

My 25th birthday was a 10 day celebration.

It started on Sunday, July 22nd with a BBQ with my roommates and some friends. It was definitely interesting, but so much fun! My roommates and I did a movie night and gift giving on Tuesday, July 24th.

On my birthday, Josh took me out for dinner at Hash House A Go Go at the M Resort. While I was there he surprised me with a birthday sash that I had to wear for the evening. At the end of dinner, I was given a mission. I had to complete 30 tasks that night as part of a scavenger hunt. I only completed 8… (pictures at the bottom of page!)

Josh’s actual birthday gift was given to me on Friday, July 27th. I got a massage. It was amazing!

On Saturday, July 28th, my coworker Kathy and I went out to celebrate our employment and my birthday!

On Monday, July 30th, I had birthday dinner with Josh’s family. His dad’s birthday was that week as well, so 2 birthday celebrations in 1 night!

Then I got my final gift on Thursday, August 2 from Sheri. It was a book and a very chewy Rice Crispy treat.

If I want to get technical, my birthday was like a month long celebration because I got my gift from my mom & Clark on June 29th. Yay for hair color!

Needless to say, I had fun and the time spent with all the people I cared about was really great!

Josh & I before leaving his house

Take a picture with our server! He was so great!

Take a picture with valet and the M logo. This guy was really great too.

Rub a pregnant woman's belly. This one no one thought I would do including me, but it was the first one I did.

I had to get a soda out of a vending machine...

near an aquarium.

I had to get a picture with someone who had a tall drink. His friend on the right how to be cut out for something a bit vulgar.

Take a picture next to the monument with someone in a white shirt. I was getting tired so we cheated a bit.

I had to find someone to sing me Happy Birthday in a language other than English or Spanish...

They all sang on the tram, in German. Great group of guys!

I had to get a picture with a blonde, a brunette, and a red-head all together and they must have good shoes. This trio was the only I could find and yes, they did have killer shoes! This one ended the night.

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